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Re: Name order on California ID
Posted by JustANotary of CA on 1/9/25 10:10pm Msg #649952
Thanks for the replies. In this case it is a trust attorney I have been doing signings for many years now, and he tells me when he wants me to be especially careful, like when there are siblings who might argue & contest things later on. And I always become more careful whenever I sense there might be a problem. I was at one signing & I sensed I needed to be very detailed & careful, she seemed like someone who would start a lawsuit. When I got home I looked up her name, and she had been involved in suing two companies, AND, she contested the transaction I notarized. I had to send in a copy of my journal & never heard anything else. I have completed over 14,000 signings & only four times have had to send a copy of the journal entry.
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Messages in this Thread
 Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 12:11pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  Yoli/CA on 1/9/25 1:17pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 1:26pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  JanetK_CA on 1/9/25 7:20pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 10:10pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  canotaryhere on 1/9/25 11:24pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - VT_Syrup on 1/10/25 9:06am
 Re: Name order on California ID - Ken/NoCal on 1/12/25 8:52pm

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