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Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing
Posted by Mills Mobile Notary Service of OR on 1/12/25 12:42pm Msg #649962
Something is up with the Closing Exchange signing agency. I just got my new annual background check and am contacting all the SS that I work with to make sure they have it. When I logged on with them, there was a message that I am blocked from receiving new orders due to an expired background check, but my old check is still valid through the 17th. I tried to upload my new background check and the site wouldn't work to upload my new check.

It gets stranger. When I tried to call the two numbers I have for them this morning at 9 a.m., both go to voice mail. I'm in Oregon so I'm thinking the LA fire closed them, except they are Torrance, CA. which as far as I can tell is well outside the fire areas (I think). Also, their website makes no reference to the LA fires and neither do the greeting on their phone system. If the fire caused them to close, I would expect a message to that effect to be on their webpage and the greeting on their phone system

I suspect they are really closing (no pun intended).
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Messages in this Thread
 Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/12/25 12:42pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/12/25 12:53pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/25 11:12pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - JMoniqueC on 1/13/25 3:21pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/13/25 5:41pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - SteveS/CA on 1/17/25 10:35am

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