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Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely.
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 1/12/25 11:12pm Msg #649969
You're right that Torrance is far from the area directly impacted by the fires, but I suppose it's possible that their website host has been impacted.

I hope they pay better in your area than the offers that come through from them here. The other day I received an email blast I believe was from them offering $20, including scan-backs! (I don't recall what kind of signing, but I don't believe it was just one document.) Again, I couldn't swear this one was from them, but I do know the offers they send out in my area are beneath consideration, as far as I'm concerned.
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Messages in this Thread
 Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/12/25 12:42pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/12/25 12:53pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/25 11:12pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - JMoniqueC on 1/13/25 3:21pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/13/25 5:41pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - SteveS/CA on 1/17/25 10:35am

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