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Re: Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda)
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 1/13/25 8:42pm Msg #649976
Same experience here. Eric was one of my favs until he dropped fees. Did he end up selling his business or am I thinking of someone else? I did look up Reseda, though, and as I thought, it's located due north of the Palisades fire. Probably not close enough to be threatened (although I haven't kept track of how far it's traveled), but perhaps close enough to have evacuated. That's just a guess, though, and maybe a bit of a stretch.
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Messages in this Thread
 Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda) - Kellosh/CA on 1/13/25 1:53pm
 Re: Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda) -  Yoli/CA on 1/13/25 2:46pm
 Re: Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda) -  JanetK_CA on 1/13/25 8:42pm
 Same experience as above with Eric. However, lack of - ananotary on 1/14/25 4:49pm
 Ditto to all of the above... - FeliseSoCal on 1/16/25 2:41pm

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