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Irby Construction Company, Tampa, FL
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 1/16/25 2:12pm Msg #649983
Does anyone have any experience working with Irby Construction Company out of Tampa, FL? G/B/U??

Received an email from them today for signing an easement next week. They've agreed to my fee, which includes a witness fee. 3-page doc (easement agreement) to be to be signed and notarized; vicinity map to be initialed; all 3 pages to be scanned back to them then mailed (USPS) and they will pay upon completion via PayPal or Venmo. I'm confirmed with signers. What puts a doubt in my mind is that they don't have either a UPS or Fedex account and don't generate shipping labels. That's why we're using USPS. If I used UPS/Fedex, they asked me to add that additional charge to my invoice. I then gave them the option of simply using USPS and they agreed. Doc is being mailed to a Punta Gorda address rather then their office in Tampa.


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Messages in this Thread
 Irby Construction Company, Tampa, FL -  Yoli/CA on 1/16/25 2:12pm
 Re: Irby Construction Company, Tampa, FL - Lee/AR on 1/16/25 2:52pm
 Re: Irby Construction Company, Tampa, FL -  Yoli/CA on 1/23/25 11:25am

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