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Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 1/17/25 5:51pm Msg #649994
Since you have their phone number, have you tried calling? It is my understanding that most people in European countries speak more than just their native language (and it's usually English). If you decide to call, start right away with saying "ENGLISH" and hopefully they can find someone immediately who can help you.

Or, you can try a German school and perhaps someone there can help you. There's one located in Orange County:

Good luck!
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Messages in this Thread
 Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/17/25 11:30am
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Yoli/CA on 1/17/25 11:42am
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/17/25 3:14pm
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Yoli/CA on 1/17/25 5:51pm
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Expeditor on 1/18/25 12:37am
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/18/25 10:16am
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Expeditor on 1/19/25 12:33pm
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/19/25 6:46pm
 Re: Request for a Certified German Birth Certificate -  Expeditor on 1/19/25 7:12pm

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