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Aww man, In spite of the reminders I knew I forgot something
Posted by RickG/CA of CA on 1/22/25 8:34am Msg #650003
Commiserating with a couple other notaries at a local title co, we're all feeling a little pinched at this moment in time. However, I'm compelled to do the things I don't want to do to get to the things I love to do. Starting the year making the rounds to new and different EO's, I completely forgot (or ignored, whatever) to begin this little process. I detest giving a certain company any $$, let alone having to do it annually. Thanks Yoli for a reminder to get off my rear. Now, if I can only nail it on the 26th like the last couple of years.
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Messages in this Thread
 Renewal time again. Oh joy! [said sarcastically] -  Yoli/CA on 1/9/25 9:33am
 Update on XYZ -  Yoli/CA on 1/9/25 10:36am
 Re: Update on XYZ -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/9/25 11:28am
 Re: Update on XYZ - Sheryl/TX on 1/9/25 12:52pm
 Re: Update on XYZ -  JanetK_CA on 1/9/25 7:27pm
 Re: Update on XYZ - Sheryl/TX on 1/12/25 5:00pm
 Re: Update on XYZ -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/25 6:11pm
 Re: Renewal time again. Oh joy! [said sarcastically] - pdl/cali on 1/9/25 1:07pm
 Update on XYZ's BGC & certification -  Yoli/CA on 1/11/25 10:58am
 Re: Update on XYZ - Sheryl/TX on 1/12/25 5:15pm
 Loss of work is a vacation sometimes... n/m - Clem/CA on 1/14/25 7:04pm
 Aww man, In spite of the reminders I knew I forgot something - RickG/CA on 1/22/25 8:34am

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