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Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 1/22/25 10:16pm Msg #650008
In reply to JanetK CA, I guess it might be worse for CA than my state. CA has exact wording for the oath certificate, and can't add the requested statement "I have properly verified the identity of the affiant(s) by personally viewing the above-notated identification document(s) and matching photocopy(ies)."

I think other CA notaries have reported in the forum they used loose certificates and they were accepted.

One thing I wonder about is where in the process this form is actually evaluated. Is it by the person at the acceptance facility (often a post office), or when it arrives at the US State Department, or both? It would be nasty if the guy at the post office accepts it but two months later the applicant finds out it was rejected at the State Department.
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Messages in this Thread
 New US passport consent form released, still bad - VT_Syrup on 1/22/25 11:03am
 Doesn't sound like this new form will pass muster - Linda_H/FL on 1/22/25 12:03pm
 Wouldn't work here, in California, either -  JanetK_CA on 1/22/25 5:52pm
 And I thought this form couldn’t get any worse. n/m - FlaNotary2 on 1/22/25 7:26pm
 Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad - VT_Syrup on 1/22/25 10:16pm
 Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad -  Notary/ on 1/24/25 11:06am
 Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad - VT_Syrup on 1/24/25 12:07pm

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