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Re: Anybody else get this email from Class Valuation?
Posted by  Notary/ of CO on 1/24/25 12:48pm Msg #650015
I have received such requests and not taken an interest in them.
It is challenging enough to have Signing Services and Title Companies dictate what I will be paid for helping them with jobs that require a notary.

Here, we have a company seeking non-notarial assistance and dictating what they will pay. They dictate what phone is required. For me, that would be an expensive purchase.

Putting $100 (gross) in my/your pocket requires me/you (if we are honest) to take 10%+ out of my/your pocket to pay income taxes. It requires me/you to take 15%+ out of my/your pocket to pay self employment taxes. That leaves $75 in my/your pocket.

Assume it takes 30 minutes to get to the job location, 30 minutes to do the job and 30 minutes for the return trip.

Assume the skills and knowledge you bring to the job are worth $30 an hour. Times 1.5 hours = $45. That leaves $15 to contribute to all the other business costs. Including: vehicle operating costs, insurance costs, communication costs, etc.

Then decide if $15 covers those costs and gives you a profit.

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Messages in this Thread
 Anybody else get this email from Class Valuation? - JMoniqueC on 1/18/25 9:46am
 Re: Anybody else get this email from Class Valuation? -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/21/25 9:46pm
 Re: Anybody else get this email from Class Valuation? -  Notary/ on 1/24/25 12:48pm

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