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NNA Court Bonds
Posted by JustANotary of CA on 1/31/25 11:22am Msg #650042
The NNA just sent me an email saying I can tell my clients who need a court bond about their product. But the NNA tells us we should not market products at our signings. But I guess this is OK ha ha. Also, I can't offer legal advice. And anyway, I have completed 14,000 signings, and no one ever told me they needed a bond to keep out of jail...
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Messages in this Thread
 NNA Court Bonds - JustANotary on 1/31/25 11:22am
 Re: NNA Court Bonds -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/31/25 4:56pm
 Re: NNA Court Bonds -  JanetK_CA on 2/1/25 2:40am
 Re: NNA Court Bonds -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/1/25 9:34am
 Offered commission? Just saying.... n/m - Lee/AR on 2/1/25 4:29pm

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