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Re: Not sure about it but
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/2/25 2:34am Msg #650053
She said it was for an "entire estate trust plan". I don't believe I've ever been through one without at least one document to notarize, and usually quite a few more than that. The ones that don't need notarizing may get signed under an attorney's direction or on their own time, although I might facilitate a little (especially if there are witnesses involved). I don't believe I've ever seen an entire estate plan with *nothing* to notarize, even on modifications, perhaps because they wouldn't need me there otherwise.

I've seen several with one specific lawyer who doesn't have one of the major documents notarized that nearly every other attorney-prepared estate plan I've seen does. I discreetly questioned him on it the first time, and he said that's the way he does it. Could be a cultural thing (?), as much of the conversation between him and his clients is often in another language. But it's way above my pay grade (to say nothing about being UPL) for me to worry about that.
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 Premier Global Notary LLC Capitola, CA - D DeMarco on 1/30/25 10:20am
 Re: Premier Global Notary LLC Capitola, CA -  JanetK_CA on 1/30/25 11:45pm
 Re: Premier Global Notary LLC Capitola, CA - Pamela/CA on 1/31/25 12:03pm
 Not sure about it but - Clem/CA on 1/31/25 7:16pm
 Re: Not sure about it but -  JanetK_CA on 2/2/25 2:34am
 Re: Not sure about it but - D DeMarco on 2/3/25 3:22pm

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