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Grrr! and Brrr!
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 2/4/25 1:13pm Msg #650059
I don't often work for platforms, but I did yesterday for a purchase investment property first thing this morning 7am.

I did get the documents last night, and decided to print them, although I am better at the crack of dawn than I am in the evening hours. Good thing!

The docs were uploaded. I hit the print button and discovered that everything had been scanned to letter although there were 85+ pages legal size. You know that means, they were all cut off. I immediately called the hiring party and negotiated a better fee while requesting they be rescanned to letter/legal appropriately, or I would not be attending the signing at 7am. Clients are very high end. He's a heart doctor! He's got rounds!

When the second set of correctly signed documents arrived, they were not in the same order as the first, so I spent a fair amount of time organizing and doing QA.

The clients were wonderful, and they thanked me for being on time.

Believe me, it wasn't easy. And, the fee, a drop in the ole bucket for the task, which was so unnecessary.

Guess that's why we get paid the big bucks, right? I don't know if I can take 6 more weeks of winter either.
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Messages in this Thread
 Grrr! and Brrr! -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/4/25 1:13pm
 Good job, Cheryl! :) -  Yoli/CA on 2/4/25 2:00pm
 Re: Good job, Cheryl! :) -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/5/25 8:46am
 Re: Good job, Cheryl! :) - Negrete on 2/14/25 8:26pm

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