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Re: Sign on the X signing services
Posted by jba/fl of FL on 5/3/07 5:50pm Msg #188688
File a claim w/BBB in LA, Ca. See past posts. This has worked for many. List all attempts to collect and what responses you have had, etc. (Ignoring you is a response) Documentation and persistance is important. They will lie about you in their response to the BBB, they will be "hurt and angry" but ignore that and collect. Then run the check to the bank, don't write against those funds until they clear. Then laugh when they call you again, and just hang up. They understand - the schedulers know what they are up against.
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Messages in this Thread
 Sign on the X signing services - Lowana Richardson on 5/3/07 5:16pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - Amalia Contreras on 5/3/07 5:18pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - Carla_MD on 5/3/07 5:19pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - carlos/nyc on 5/3/07 5:20pm
 You're on your way to being hosed. - PL on 5/3/07 5:24pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - jba/fl on 5/3/07 5:50pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - JM_NY on 5/3/07 8:27pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - goodgirl on 5/3/07 10:36pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - Michelle Montemorra on 5/4/07 6:51am
 Re: Two different signing agents - Sister on 5/4/07 1:53pm
 Lesson to be learned by all... -  MelissaCT on 5/4/07 4:59pm

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