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Re: Off Off Topic, Interesting Dog and Sue, what you just
Posted by  Charles_Ca of CA on 5/4/07 9:57am Msg #188775
said however in some way is contraditory. Now I believe that the illegal alien (and yes they are illegal becasue there are legal aliens) is a problem, a veyr serious problem. How ever in Dogmongers analogy they are here for the freebies while it appears that Sue's State understands that they are here for the jobs. I have always believe that the if they put pressure on the people who hire illegals that a large portion of the problem wold literally go away. Its interesting to note that at least in California you don't see too many minorities pushing shopping carts with all their worldly possessions in them. I hate handouts in whatever form, I think its demeaning to the recipient and a burden on those who are productive. I completely support what your State is doing Suer, I just wish that California had the brass to do it.
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Messages in this Thread
 Off Off Topic -  DogmongerCA on 5/4/07 8:43am
 nice analogy - SueW/Tn on 5/4/07 8:55am
 Re: Off Off Topic, Interesting Dog and Sue, what you just -  Charles_Ca on 5/4/07 9:57am
 Re: Off Off Topic, Interesting Dog and Sue, what you just - Calnotary on 5/4/07 10:15am
 When I used to live in Maine the State issued work permits -  Charles_Ca on 5/4/07 10:27am
 You hit the nail on the head Charles - SueW/Tn on 5/4/07 10:32am

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