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Re: Dont you just love it
Posted by Margaret Paddock of AZ on 5/4/07 11:37am Msg #188791
Hi Debbie
Yep, I've run into that lots of times. I just call the signing company and explain what was said so they can deal with it. Sometimes the signing takes place, sometimes not. I am not going to sweat over others' problems.
I had one the other night - the title company called me, I waited for the docs, and good thing I looked at the name before I printed them out - they were for someone in another state! When I called the title company to let them know they were confused and said they would send the right ones. I waited 45min. called them to let them know I hadn't received them and would surely be late and we would be signing at 8:30pm or later now. The agent told me to just forget it - they might do it tomorrow. I think the customer was really angry with them as they had messed up the docs before.
Life is full of challenges. I had a quiet evening at home lol. I never heard back from them.
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Messages in this Thread
 Dont you just love it -  DebbieT on 5/3/07 1:49pm
 Re: Dont you just love it -  DebbieT on 5/3/07 1:52pm
 Re: Dont you just love it -  PJM/MI on 5/3/07 1:56pm
 Re: Dont you just love it - putting up a protective field -  BrendaTx on 5/3/07 2:13pm
 Re: Dont you just love it - putting up a protective field -  FLdocrunner on 5/3/07 4:35pm
 Re: Dont you just love it - putting up a protective field -  DebbieT on 5/3/07 5:01pm
 Re: Dont you just love it - putting up a protective field -  DebbieT on 5/3/07 5:07pm
 DebbieT, take some of Cheryl's duct tape and put foil around -  BrendaTx on 5/3/07 6:51pm
 Re: DebbieT, take some of Cheryl's duct tape and put foil around -  DebbieT on 5/3/07 8:23pm
 Re: Dont you just love it -  rengel/CA on 5/3/07 7:49pm
 Re: Dont you just love it -  DebbieT on 5/3/07 8:10pm
 Re: Dont you just love it -  LynnNC on 5/4/07 8:15am
 Re: Dont you just love it - Margaret Paddock on 5/4/07 11:37am
 Just happened 2 hours ago... -  lenelle/FL on 5/4/07 11:51am

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