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Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted...
Posted by CaliNotary of CA on 11/27/04 2:16am Msg #12085
Welcome to the club Ted. It gets much easier by the 3rd or 4th crucifixion.

One thing I've learned from this group is that you can't please everybody. No matter how politely and carefully you might word things, there's always somebody out there who might take it the wrong way, or take things out of context, or ignore half of your comments or something. So I don't even worry about it. If a businessperson cannot handle a blunt or constructive reply without getting personally offended, they've got bigger problems than whatever the topic of conversation happens to be.

I do have to say though, I'm still amazed at how many people view being blunt and being rude as synonymous things.
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 Re: E-Docs info -  CarolynCO on 11/25/04 11:32am
 Answers to Your Questions... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/25/04 11:40am
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 Aatika... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/25/04 12:19pm
 Re: Answers to Your Questions... -  HisHughness on 11/25/04 6:40pm
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 Re: It Depends on Which JFK You're Referring to... -  HisHughness on 11/25/04 10:37pm
 Since the Red Sox DID Win the World Series This Year... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/26/04 4:48am
 Re: Answers to Your Questions... - Ted_MI on 11/25/04 8:25pm
 No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/25/04 8:30pm
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... -  Aatika Khattak on 11/26/04 4:00pm
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - Ted_MI on 11/26/04 9:29pm
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - CaliNotary on 11/27/04 2:16am
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - Ted_MI on 11/27/04 7:52am

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