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Re: 1,100+ NSAs serving San Diego
Posted by Eliz/CA of ? on 11/28/04 12:07pmMsg #12130
Also regarding your calls - don't go over your allowed minutes (ouch!) or upgrade your allowed minutes. I use my cell and upgraded to 2000 allowed minutes per month.
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Messages in this Thread
 Directions...Road Atlas...something please... - William Soronen on 11/25/04 3:11am
 Re: Directions...Road Atlas...something please... - William Soronen on 11/25/04 3:14am
 Re: Directions...Road Atlas...something please... - Jon on 11/25/04 9:36am
 1,100+ NSAs serving San Diego - Jennifer on 11/25/04 11:45am
 Re: 1,100+ NSAs serving San Diego - William Soronen on 11/25/04 4:44pm
 Good attitude William - you'll do fine! -  BarbaraL_CA on 11/25/04 8:46pm
 Re: Good attitude William - you'll do fine! - William Soronen on 11/25/04 11:48pm
 Re: 1,100+ NSAs serving San Diego - Eliz/CA on 11/28/04 12:02pm
 Re: 1,100+ NSAs serving San Diego - Eliz/CA on 11/28/04 12:07pm
 Re: 1,100+ NSAs serving San Diego - EP_Virginia on 11/26/04 3:22pm

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