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Thanks! Now tell us how you put all that together ...
Posted by  Barb/MO of MO on 7/26/07 10:11pm Msg #202125
So we can do it for ourselves, or if you'd prefer, just keep us posted when these deals come up, whichever is your preference. ;-)

P. S. Mine was $16.28/case, including shipping and tax.
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Messages in this Thread
 Need Paper? - Pete/MD on 7/26/07 5:42pm
 Re: It works!!! -  DebbieT on 7/26/07 6:02pm
 Re: Need Paper? - Sarah/CA on 7/26/07 6:14pm
 is this legal? or letter? or either? n/m - ZeeCA on 7/26/07 6:26pm
 Re: is this legal? or letter? or either? - Sarah/CA on 7/26/07 7:28pm
 Wow, what a deal! You're my hero of the day! :) n/m -  Rachel Harvey on 7/26/07 8:14pm
 Re: Wow, what a deal! You're my hero of the day! :) - JohnnyB on 7/26/07 8:48pm
 Thanks! Now tell us how you put all that together ... -  Barb/MO on 7/26/07 10:11pm
 I just tried & the paper is out of stock...too good to last n/m -  Jon_PA on 7/26/07 10:27pm
 Just a fabulous post! -  Joan Bergstrom on 7/27/07 12:53am
 Worked for me too! Thank you SO much for sharing!!! -  Lisa Wood on 7/27/07 12:54am
 Re: Worked for me too! Thank you SO much for sharing!!! - azanygal_CA on 7/27/07 8:03pm
 paper prices - jahlab on 7/27/07 9:41pm
 Re: Need Paper? -  SheilaSJCA on 7/27/07 11:00pm

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