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I love the 45 dollar companies
Posted by ItsMe123 of MI on 2/22/08 12:59pm Msg #236620
If one finds someone willing to close a loan for 45 dollars, more power to them. I personally love these companies and the notaries in my area that work for them. I make a mint off of them, weed out my competition and secure future business. Why?

Because they soon learn that when they pay 45 dollars, they get 45 dollar work. The 45 dollar work puts them in a position where they end up having to call me at the last minute to "fix it". I, in return, charge a fair charge to do so.

In the long run it ends up being much more expensive forn them considering actual dollars, time, era of professionalism, loss of future business, etc. than paying a fair charge in the first place would have been.
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Messages in this Thread
 Message # 39 of 50 Posted on 6/17/2003 8:56:00 AM - Rashel A. Wren on 7/16/03 1:16pm
 Re: Message # 39 of 50 Posted on 6/17/2003 8:56:00 AM - Tierney & Associates on 8/3/06 8:32pm
 I love the 45 dollar companies - ItsMe123 on 2/22/08 12:59pm

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