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There are Two Types of Policies to Consider...
Posted by Dennis D Broadbooks of MO on 8/15/08 4:21pm Msg #260243 is a Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy & the other is for professional E&O. A CGL policy would cover the insured for losses incurred while doing their professional work as an inspector for any bodily injury or property damage you may cause accidentally. An example of bodily injury would be if you're at an inspection location & something you do causes someone bodily harm. It could be something as simple as someone tripping over a bag you've set on the ground or poking someone in the eye with your camera (don't laugh, that's why these policies exist...the only limitation for a loss is your imagination). The same applies for any property damage you could possibly do while on a job site. The second exposure you have is for any monetary loss someone could incur as a result of your failure as an inspector to complete your job in a satisfactory manner. This is where professional E&O liability insurance comes into play & is its own separate policy from CGL. Only you can make the determination if either of these policies is something to consider. I'd contact the nearest insurance professional who can handle commercial insurance policies tailored for these kinds of exposures. This professional may or may not be your personal lines insurance agent.

As always do NOT consider my comments to be construed as insurance advice or the ultimate response to the question being posed here. They're based on my 30 plus years in the property & casualty insurance industry here in MO. Do your own homework & contact a professional agent in your state for the definitive answer in your situation.
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Messages in this Thread
 Insurance for Working as a Field Inspector - John Bouchard on 8/15/08 2:55pm
 A general Liability policy? -  Derrick/MT on 8/15/08 3:55pm
 Re: A general Liability policy? - CF on 8/15/08 4:00pm
 There are Two Types of Policies to Consider... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 8/15/08 4:21pm
 Re: There are Two Types of Policies to Consider... - John Bouchard on 8/16/08 8:27am
 Since You're Located in MA... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 8/16/08 10:37am
 Re: Insurance for Working as a Field Inspector - Barbara Cortes on 5/6/22 11:48am

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