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Re: Service Link (reduced fees for volume)
Posted by  MW/VA of VA on 8/16/08 2:53pm Msg #260341
I have recently had issues with SL over some BOA RM signings (another thread).
I wasn't signed up with them because of their fee structure. I couldn't believe it, frankly:$45/20 base/edocs to be called 1st; $$50/20 base/edocs to be called 2nd,
$55/20 base/edocs to be called 3rd, $60/20 base to be called 4th. Also says, "Any fee higher will result in few calls or none at all". They require a lot of documentation & contracts to sign.
GEEZ! I don't work for that kind of fee, & won't work for a company that uses that kind of tactics (pressure/coercion). So they promise you "volume". If you're not making any money, why would volume make a difference. We are not WalMart!
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Messages in this Thread
 Service Link (reduced fees for volume) - CLOSERS LLC - JAS LOAN on 8/16/08 9:53am
 Re: Service Link (reduced fees for volume) - Lee/AR on 8/16/08 10:47am
 Re: Service Link (reduced fees for volume) - Maureen_nh on 8/16/08 11:51am
 Re: Service Link (reduced fees for volume) -  MW/VA on 8/16/08 2:53pm
 Re: Service Link (reduced fees for volume) - CF on 8/16/08 4:15pm

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