The whole rating thing is misleading and not really clear. As John said, he's never done a signing. Therefore he is a Notary Public. Fine! This board is NOT just for Signing Agents, it is for Notaries too. John is gaining information and learning by visiting this board - good for you John! I'm sure there are many other members of this site that are Notaries and don't do loan signings. There is nothing wrong with that - not everybody wants to do loan signings.
Currently in the bottom of the profile page there is a statement that says: "Has laser printer" then it says "Yes" (or I assume "No" if you don't). Perhaps there ought to be several other items there with "Yes" or "No" answers (i.e. Offers "General Notary Service", "Loan Signings", "24 Hour Service", "Reverse Mortgages", etc.)