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Re: more on Richmond Title
Posted by A S Johnson of TX on 9/30/09 4:05pm Msg #305732
I do some work for RT.
I have no problems, I don't let problems come in that I am proactive in watching what happening with the signing.
RT worst problem is thier scheduling people whom english is not thier 1st (or 2nd) langague. They are using a script when talking to you and do not have any give.
Depending on who you are and where you are (meaning what rep you have with RT and how many other NSA are in your area), you might try getting intouch with scheduling mgr in Dallas (please forgive me, because of my relationship with him, I do not feel confortable giving out his name).
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Messages in this Thread
 more on Richmond Title -  pjc on 9/30/09 3:09pm
 Re: more on Richmond Title - MistarellaFL on 9/30/09 3:19pm
 Re: more on Richmond Title - Pierces Notary Services on 9/30/09 3:22pm
 Re: more on Richmond Title - A S Johnson on 9/30/09 4:05pm
 Review msg. 305600 n/m - LKT/CA on 9/30/09 4:55pm
 To be fair........... - Mung/CA on 10/1/09 2:49am
 6 weeks for payment? - MistarellaFL on 10/1/09 7:35am
 what type of closing was it.... -  Cari on 10/1/09 11:38am
 VA refi. I'm ok with 6 weeks. pay is good n/m - Mung/CA on 10/1/09 1:39pm
 Clarify this for me please? -  Linda_H/FL on 10/1/09 1:45pm
 Re: Clarify this for me please? - Mung/CA on 10/1/09 1:52pm
 Aahhh..okay..that explains it... -  Linda_H/FL on 10/1/09 1:55pm
 And I'm sure the "35 pages" is a typo...:) n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 10/1/09 1:56pm
 Just checked e-docs. - Mung/CA on 10/1/09 2:06pm

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