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What happened six signings last 30 mins
Posted by  Notarysigner of CA on 10/23/09 3:47pm Msg #308474
Never had this happen before, six signing request in last 30 mins, Sat, Sun and Mon. yes, I took them all. Prayer does wonders.
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Messages in this Thread
 What happened six signings last 30 mins -  Notarysigner on 10/23/09 3:47pm
 Re: What happened six signings last 30 mins -  Yoli/CA on 10/23/09 4:01pm
 Re: What happened six signings last 30 mins -  Notarysigner on 10/23/09 4:04pm
 Re: What happened six signings last 30 mins - Ruby on 10/23/09 8:05pm
 Re: What happened six signings last 30 mins -  MW/VA on 10/23/09 5:19pm
 Re: What happened six signings last 30 mins -  Notarysigner on 10/23/09 5:54pm
 ditto! n/m -  Cari on 10/23/09 7:18pm
 Re: What happened six signings last 30 mins - Karla/WA on 10/24/09 12:48pm

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