What is the HouseLookers™ service?
HouseLookers™.net is a service that looks at property and makes basic observations for interested persons who cannot personally travel to the property.
If I become a HouseLooker™, what would I be expected to do?
You will be provided a property address and contact information for the owner, who will be expecting a call from you. You will contact the owner and arrange to meet. Once there, you will take a few digital pictures, and answer a few simple questions off a checklist about the property. You will then log on to our website, upload the pictures and complete a short report. That’s it. The entire process, including travel time, is anticipated to take one hour or less on average.
Do I need any real estate experience or expertise?
No. You do not need to be an expert of any kind and you will not be asked to give expert opinions about anything. You will simply be making basic lay observations.
Will I only be looking at houses or other real estate?
Perhaps not. Some of our customers might ask you to take pictures and make some basic observations about an item of personal property instead of a house (for example, the model number shown on a boat or lawn mower).
Do I have to accept every assignment offered to me?
No. You are not required to accept every or any assignment offered to you. Procedures for accepting assignments will be provided to you.
How much will I be paid?
Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) per assignment.
How will I be paid?
We prefer to pay through PayPal. But you may also invoice us and we will pay by check or ACH payment if you prefer.