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Re: Attn. MI notaries - update - important !!
Posted by  Charm_AL of AL on 5/10/05 3:02pm Msg #36975
that's interesting, I'd like to see what happens in the blue ink request case...I have a choice here, but I always do it in blue so the lender finds it easier to determine originals from copies, and several SSs request blue as well.
Are you going to call the SS back and tell them your state's law on the matter?
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Messages in this Thread
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - update - important !! - Ted_MI on 5/10/05 2:33pm
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - update - important !! -  Charm_AL on 5/10/05 3:02pm
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - update - important !! -  Ted_MI on 5/11/05 11:20am
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - CYA - Art_MD on 5/11/05 11:31am
 Ted, don't worry about tonight! - Julie-MI on 5/10/05 3:08pm
 Re: Ted, don't worry about tonight! - Ted_MI on 5/11/05 11:28am
 Office Of The Great Seal said......... - Maureen - MI on 5/11/05 1:30pm

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