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Re: Ted, don't worry about tonight!
Posted by Ted_MI of MI on 5/11/05 11:28am Msg #37104
Hi Julie,

Thanks for your thoughts. Man I can't believe that statute has been on the books that long; that's like seven/eight years. I really got the impression that this was something relatively new.

I agree it probably does depend upon how picky (and also knowledgable) the recording clerk is. Well the signing last night was down in Detroit. I will leave it at that.

I agree with you that your suggested approach would have been the best way to go. I just basically said OK and used blue ink all the way through. If I had been in Oakland County, hopefully I would have done exactly that.
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Messages in this Thread
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - update - important !! - Ted_MI on 5/10/05 2:33pm
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - update - important !! -  Charm_AL on 5/10/05 3:02pm
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - update - important !! -  Ted_MI on 5/11/05 11:20am
 Re: Attn. MI notaries - CYA - Art_MD on 5/11/05 11:31am
 Ted, don't worry about tonight! - Julie-MI on 5/10/05 3:08pm
 Re: Ted, don't worry about tonight! - Ted_MI on 5/11/05 11:28am
 Office Of The Great Seal said......... - Maureen - MI on 5/11/05 1:30pm

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