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Re: Jba/fl: Did you read entire thread?
Posted by Jodith/WA of WA on 1/3/10 12:45pm Msg #316472
I read the whole blessed thing *laughs* along with every recommended thread in its entirety. I've been a notary for about 5 years, but I'm just not putting my toe into the water for NSA. I'm trying to build a work from home business: part VA, part blogging, part notary. This just seemed like a good area to add to my profile. I feel like if I can get a bit going in several different areas, I can make a go of it. I have no aspirations of becoming rich (would be nice, but not a necessity for us). Living in a rural area, I just feel like someone diversified can do better than someone trying to just fill one niche. I see a number of people here seem to agree with that philosophy.

Anyway, I was serious in saying thank you to all the folks who have contributed to the depth of information here, and not just in the recommended threads. I've probably read about a month back so far, and saw so many of my questions answered, as well as spurring me to make sure I really did know as much about my state laws as I thought I did *laugh*.

It was kind of funny. I was reading through threads and kept popping up knew tabs to do searches and bookmark pages. At one point I think I had about 10 tabs open along different lines of query. But I've sure learned a lot, for which I'm most grateful.
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Messages in this Thread
 Been reading here for about 5 hours - Jodith/WA on 1/2/10 9:43pm
 Ditto :) n/m - Teddog/CO on 1/3/10 9:03am
 I've been doing much the same - -  jba/fl on 1/3/10 9:45am
 Jba/fl: Did you read entire thread? - GOLDGIRL/CA on 1/3/10 11:41am
 Re: Jba/fl: Did you read entire thread? - Jodith/WA on 1/3/10 12:45pm
 Sam I am...great member of the community. -  BrendaTx on 1/3/10 12:53pm
 Upon reading further ... (PAW) - GOLDGIRL/CA on 1/3/10 11:54am
 Re: Upon reading further ... (PAW) -  jba/fl on 1/3/10 6:13pm

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