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Re: Becca - re: TPL
Posted by Art_MD of ? on 5/13/05 9:21pm Msg #37680
The reason we need a TPL is the MD insurance admin reasoned " when all the papers are signed at a refi, title insurance is being produced (sold). To produce (sell) title insurance you have to have a license. The only one there besides the borrower is the person presenting the papers. Therefore, that person must be licensed to produce title insurance."
Our classes, test and continuing ed classes qualify us to sell title insurance. We know all about what is covered by title insurance, types of errors, liability, process, etc. etc.

About the only things re: title insurance that ever comes up at a closing are:

1. Borrower asks if title insurance covers him (no- unless he buys seperate coverage)
2. Isn't that cost high ( the rates are submitted by the title company and approved by the state insurance admin.).

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Messages in this Thread
 2 questions - aasailor_MD on 5/13/05 3:04pm
 Re: 2 questions - Ted_MI on 5/13/05 5:56pm
 Re: 2 questions - aasailor_MD on 5/14/05 10:57pm
 Taking a test????? - Becca/FL on 5/13/05 7:51pm
 Re: Becca - re: TPL - Art_MD on 5/13/05 9:21pm
 Sounds like test questions to me. And you know ... - Ernest_CT on 5/13/05 9:23pm
 Re: first question - Art_MD on 5/13/05 9:24pm
 Re: 2 questions - Barry on 5/14/05 1:12am

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