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Posted by Robbins of ? on 5/14/05 2:41pm Msg #37819
Has anybody signed with either of these companies? LSI has approximately 30 pages in their application and practically want the shirt off your back.

PES has a clause in their agreement that you will be paid a fee for each closing that sucessfully closes and does not cancel, rescind or otherwise does not fund. In other words, if you print a set of 160 paged E-Docs, go and complete the siging and do whatever else that they want and lo and behold 3 days later the loan is recinded, you are out the whole amount. Do they really think that you will sign with them.

Just needed to sound off. Thanks.
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Messages in this Thread
 LSI and PES - Robbins on 5/14/05 2:41pm
 Re: LSI and PES - ERNA_CA on 5/14/05 2:51pm
 Re: LSI and PES - CA in CA on 5/14/05 4:26pm
 Re: LSI and PES -  SamIam_CA on 5/16/05 10:43am
 Re: LSI and PES - 10 years experience on 5/15/05 11:15am
 Re: LSI and PES - Paul_IL on 5/15/05 7:35pm
 Re: LSI -  CarolynCO on 8/16/05 4:35pm

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