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Re: Purchase Question
Posted by greenberg~CA of ? on 5/15/05 10:50am Msg #37916
the sellers docs do not matter in your case because you took the assignment for only the BUYER-(puchase) docs.

When you say you have only done one other "purchase".... puchase and refi are almost the same. In essence it it a loan doc package(s) and some escrow docs.

Buyers will probabaly want to look over the estimated settlement statement due to all the fees associated with buying a house and make sure they are correct. If they are coming in with $ to close their escrow~ in the state of California It CANNOT be a personal check.

If In the event when you sign with buyers and sellers, the buyers will have purchase (escrow) docs and almost always have loan docs (unless they are buying with all cash). On a purchase like a refi, they could be signing 2 loans to finance the property.

The sellers will have sellers docs which in all situations only inlcudes escrow docs. There will not be a loan package because they are sellling. ( normally sellers paks are very small ).
This may help..... sellers are "selling" so the Package will never have "loan" docs. A sellers package in CA ( and many other states) includes 1099, 593 C or L, estimated settlement statement, grant deed.

Title companies make the decision if they are going to sign the sellers/buyers in tandem. Usually if time is of the essence~ which it almost always is... they will have the sellers sign and the buyers sign seperately so the docs come back to the title company around the same time.

Hope this is helpful!
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Messages in this Thread
 Purchase Question - NYNOT on 5/15/05 8:53am
 Re: Purchase Question - sue on 5/15/05 9:07am
 Re: Purchase Question - greenberg~CA on 5/15/05 10:50am
 Re: Purchase Question - Lee/AR on 5/15/05 11:07am
 Re: Purchase Question - sue on 5/15/05 1:03pm
 Re: Purchase Question -  PAW_Fl on 5/15/05 4:54pm

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