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Re: Tonya
Posted by  Les_CO of CO on 1/12/10 11:42am Msg #317729
I’ve never said that Nations Direct did not pay. I believe that they are basically a low-ball company. (Check their web site) I do believe it is possible to negotiate ones fee with them. I do think it is possible to get more than their ‘standard offer’ depending on circumstance. I do not think they will pay a notary MORE than they get for a signing. They too are in business to make money. Congratulations on your negotiating skill! We could all learn from you.
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Messages in this Thread
 A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  Les_CO on 1/11/10 10:52pm
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post - Lee/AR on 1/11/10 11:50pm
 Re: Lee -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 10:21am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 10:33am
 Re: Tonya -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 11:42am
 Thank you, Les, for the polite response... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:37pm
 Excellent post Les...... -  John_NorCal on 1/12/10 9:29am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  Notarysigner on 1/12/10 9:49am
 Just added it to #33325 - Laura_V on 1/12/10 10:06am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 10:20am
 Re: Moneyman -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 10:43am
 Re: les - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 11:20am
 Re: les -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 12:00pm
 Re: les - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 12:04pm
 Re: les -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 12:36pm
 I completely agree, Les... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:27pm
 Let me also say.... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:31pm

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