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Re: April and May have
Posted by konakai of ? on 6/8/05 10:57am Msg #43166
It is slow here too. May was my best month ever. Naturally, while at the convention, I had to turn down a bunch. Now that I am back it is slow. I guess I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who goes thru this.
However, while I was gone, NASCO assigned the ones I could not do to some other newer Notaries, and now I'm worried that I will get less calls from them. Any ideas on what to do about this. I haved contacted some of the schedulers and Barb Orbin, but the phone is not ringing much...
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Messages in this Thread
 Dry Spells - CA_Jeanet on 6/8/05 12:06am
 Re: Dry Spells - ANNIE/CA on 6/8/05 12:19am
 Re: Dry Spells - Melody on 6/8/05 1:09am
 Re: Dry Spells - CA_Jeanet on 6/8/05 1:19am
 Re: Dry Spells - Brijoe_wa on 6/8/05 1:57am
 Re: Dry Spells - Deno88TX on 6/8/05 8:37am
 April and May have -  BrendaTX on 6/8/05 9:08am
 Re: April and May have - joe/nc on 6/8/05 10:31am
 Re: April and May have -  PAW_Fl on 6/8/05 10:44am
 Re: April and May have - konakai on 6/8/05 10:57am
 NASCO - brooke/ca on 6/8/05 9:40pm
 Re: April and May have - Judith_VA on 6/8/05 12:15pm
 Re: April and May have -  TAgey_VA on 6/16/05 7:52pm
 Re: Dry Spells - Jo on 6/8/05 11:28am
 Re: Dry Spells - Joanie on 6/8/05 11:30am

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