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Basic bookkeeping question
Posted by  SamIam_CA of CA on 6/13/05 6:44pm Msg #44404
After reading many posts about self employment tax etc. I realize that I have to keep track of the money I get for the individual notarizations - not just the total paid for the entire package.

For example borrower Jane Smith's loan required 8 documents notarized. In CA that is worth $10 each doc. I was paid $125 for the loan so I separated my payment into $80 for notary fees and $45 for signing agent fees.

What do y'all do when your notary fees are upside-down? For example borrower Joe Blow's loan required 8 documents notarized. In CA that is worth $10 each doc. I was paid $75 for the loan.

Can/Should I separate my payment into $80 for notary fees and a discount of $5 for signing agent fees? If not, how do you handle similar situations?
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Messages in this Thread
 Basic bookkeeping question -  SamIam_CA on 6/13/05 6:44pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question -  BarbaraL_CA on 6/13/05 6:57pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - BrendaTX on 6/13/05 7:06pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question -  stamper_WI on 6/13/05 7:18pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - Jon on 6/14/05 12:04am
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - BrendaTX on 6/14/05 8:10am
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - Alex_NY on 6/13/05 8:19pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - BrendaTx on 6/13/05 8:21pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question -  stamper_WI on 6/13/05 8:21pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - Barry on 6/13/05 8:36pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - Judith_VA on 6/13/05 8:39pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - BrendaTX on 6/13/05 8:43pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question -  Reggie on 6/13/05 9:39pm
 Notary Fees: Taxable Income vs Taxable for Self-Emp Tax: -  BrendaTX on 6/14/05 7:43am
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - Lori/CA on 6/13/05 8:39pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - Judith_VA on 6/13/05 8:43pm
 IRS Pub.17 - Alex_NY on 6/13/05 8:48pm
 Re: IRS Pub.17...Alex is correct here. n/m -  Stephanie_CA on 6/14/05 2:38pm
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - JanetK/CA on 6/14/05 2:04am
 Re: Basic bookkeeping question - phew! - SamIam_CA on 6/14/05 12:42pm

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