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Missouri Notary - Bonds and Insurance

We have made it very easy to order high quality, professional notary supplies meeting Missouri state requirements. To get started, simply complete the following order form and click Next. In a few easy, time-saving steps, your order will be complete. Most orders ship within 1 business day.

Notary Info and Product Selection - Notary 1
Official Name:
Commission #:
Comm. Expiration: (mm/dd/yyyy)
If ordering a stamp or seal, please make sure the Official Name, Commission Expiration date and County you provide above are exactly the same as the name, expiration date and county on your notary commission. In order for us to release your seal, you must e-mail a copy of your Commission Certificate to us at:

You will receive your Commission Certificate after filing your bond and taking your oath, so that must be done prior to us releasing any official seals to you.
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Missouri Notary Bond and E&O
Product Number: 116574
Missouri Notary Bond and E&O
Click for details
$10,000 Missouri notary surety bond and free $10,000 E&O policy covering the entire commission term

A notary surety bond protects the public from mistakes you make while performing your notarial duties during the term of your commission that result in damage to the public. The Missouri bond covers up to $10,000 in damages.

Included with the bond is a $10,000 Notary Public Errors and Omissions Policy. This is a form of liability insurance that protects you, acting as a duly commissioned and sworn Notary Public, during the policy period and subject to the policy limits, from claims or suits that are the result of your negligent acts, errors or omissions.

A simple notarial mistake could cost you thousands of dollars. This policy will pay for investigation, defense and settlement of committed or alleged acts by the Insured subject to policy limits and provisions.
Price: $30.00

Notary Liability Insurance
Notary Insurance Liability LimitChoose a Coverage Level and Policy Term
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
My Commission Term or 4 Years
To purchase Missouri notary public insurance, locate the coverage amount you would like to purchase in the table above (each row represents a different liability limit), along with the number of years of coverage (the columns). Click the circle beside the premium that is displayed and then select a Quantity of 1 in the box below. Missouri license number AG8017396.
    The premiums in the gold boxes are for policies with terms shorter than your notary commission.
    The premiums in the blue boxes are for policies with terms that match your notary commission. If you are at the beginning of your notary commission, we recommend purchasing a full-term policy so that you will never be without coverage during your commission.

Quantity: 0

Signing Agent Errors and Omissions Insurance. This product has multiple versions. Please select one using the Choose a Version box.

CNA Surety Signing Agent Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance is specifically designed for notaries who assist with loan signings. This policy is currently available in the following states only: AL, AK, AZ, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, DC, WV and WI.

The policy is a claims-made policy, meaning both the basis of the claim and the filing of the claim must occur while the policy is in force. Coverage for prior acts is not available. The Per Claim Limit is the maximum amount the policy will pay on any one claim. The Aggregate Limit is the maximum amount the policy will pay on all claims combined.

Choose from one of the following coverage levels:

Per Claim


All policies are for a term of 1-year and Notary Rotary Membership is required.

Our Signing Agent Errors & Omissions Insurance Policy is designed to fill the gaps left with traditional Notary Errors & Omissions Insurance, which only provides coverage for the actual notarizations in a loan package. The new policy, which includes defense costs, provides coverage for actions such as:
  • Innocent errors or omissions related to Signing Agent Notarial acts
  • Incorrectly dating the Right of Rescission
  • Missed initials or non-notarized signatures
  • Improper corrections made to documents
  • Failure to complete the signing on time
  • Late return of date-sensitive documents
Innocent mistakes happen, no matter how careful you are. Consider a few cases where traditional notary errors and omissions insurance would not apply:

A notary signing agent completed a loan closing and was responsible for returning the documents via expedited mail. However, the notary accidentally threw away the wrong envelope and the documents were never sent.A signing agent completed a closing, put the documents in the mail, and completed all required assignments. However, the title company never received the documents and accused the signing agent of never sending them and delaying the closing.A mortgage lender sued a signing agent for failing to provide customers with copies of documents, which resulted in a change in rescission date.
Price: Varies - see below

Select a Version:

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