The Notary Talk Discussion Forum is a free service offered by Notary Rotary™. It was created to allow professional notaries public to share experiences, advice and opinions with other members of the profession. Discussion topics can be as general as basic notarial procedures or as specific as how the notary loan signing agent is to handle a particular signing scenario.
Because the forum is only lightly moderated, we ask that all users govern themselves in accordance with common standards of decency and professionalism. We are not responsible for the opinions of others nor do we condone or support unfounded accusations, personal attacks or other generally bad behavior.
With that said, we offer the following Rules & Guidelines. Failure to adhere to these Rules & Guidelines may result in suspension of your posting privilege, your Notary Rotary account, and, in extreme cases, may result in legal action against you.
I. Advertising
Do not advertise your own products or services without prior approval. Most advertisements are not relevant to most users and are therefore wasted space.
Do not advertise competing websites, directly or indirectly, without prior approval. We spend thousands of dollars per month to advertise our service for your benefit. We would rather not be paying to advertise for the benefit of our competitors. This includes sites like 123 and goMobile.
II. Netiquette
Do not TYPE IN ALL CAPS. THIS IS CONSIDERED SHOUTING and has been proven more difficult to read than Mixed Case.
Please check your message for spelling and grammar errors before posting. Generally, you should write long messages in an application like Microsoft Word and then copy them from there into our message box.
Please keep off-topic posts to a minimum and avoid topics that others may consider offensive, such as politics and religion. Under no circumstance should the forum be used to further a political, ideological or religious agenda; these topics have nothing to do with the inherent neutrality of notarial functions and our board is therefore not an appropriate venue for them.
Do not personally attack, insult or degrade other users or companies. If you are going to bash a company's reputation, be prepared to provide concrete and substantial proof of your allegation. If you are going to confront another user or dispute a post, do so on a rational and constructive basis with the facts in hand. Debate is always healthy.
If you plan to ask a question, Search the message archive for your answer first. Look for the following button in the forum. It is very likely your question has already been answered.
III. Poster Identity Policies
Do not post under more than one Notary Rotary account.
Do not post under more than one alias with the intention of deceiving other users. (We keep a history of all user aliases along with the number of times each account has changed its alias.)
Make sure your profile is accurate and completely identifies you.
Privacy. We retain computer IP addresses, time/date stamps and account information for all posts. In the event legal action is taken against you by a third-party in connection with something you have posted, and we are presented with a proper legal document to produce information related to your post, we will do so.
IV. Helpful Items
Our forum supports a number of expressions. Typing any of the characters appearing in the first column of the table below in your message body will display the expression to the right of the characters in your post. For example, typing :D in your forum post will display a Big Smile.