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Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?
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Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?
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Posted by Reginald Wilks on 2/13/05 1:54am
Msg #20450

Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?

Can someone tell me why Companies wait until the last minute to send Documents? Like this one Company asked me to do a signing Monday Morning between 1000 and 2 p.m. . I agree to do it and the ss sends me the info sheet with the borrowers phone number and address so I can schedule with the borrower. I call and set up the appointment and call and notify the ss I have the appointment at 1100 a.m. on Monday. She tells me she will e-mail the documents so I have been looking at my e-mail everytime I return home and until I get ready for bed every night. Still no documents.

Reply by Anonymous on 2/13/05 7:37am
Msg #20452

I have the same problem with one SS company. They call me, I say ok -- sometimes I will have others scheduled the same day so I have to leave for those appts and still no docs..... I had to cancel one on Friday for that reason.

Reply by Indiana Notary on 2/13/05 11:41am
Msg #20469

Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?

When you accept the appointment, tell the SS company you will need to receive the documents by a certain time, say 8:00 am on the day you have the 11:00 am appointment scheduled. If you have not received the doc's by 10:00 am the day of the appointment, contact the borrower and let them know you have not received the doc's and you will call them to reschedule later in the day.

Reply by Reginald Wilks on 2/13/05 12:12pm
Msg #20474

Re: Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?

My problem is I have some other things scheduled in the same city that I have to do before 10:00 a. m. so I have to leave my home by about 7:00 a. m. in order to get the two other things finished so I can be at the 11:00 a. m. signing. But, because I do not have the documents I will have to reschedule the two other projects and wait on the documents at home until they are sent to me. Is it true what one of the other replys say can you request them to send the documents by a certain time?

Reply by Jon on 2/13/05 12:21pm
Msg #20477

Re: Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documen

Reginald queries,
" Is it true what one of the other replys say can you request them to send the documents by a certain time?"

You are an independent contractor and you can do whatever you like. Some companies will agree to your terms, and some will not. It is a choice you have to make and be willing to deal with the consequences, good or bad. Having a deadline works very well for some and not very well for others. You need to know what your market area will bear(sp).

Reply by Reginald Wilks on 2/13/05 12:36pm
Msg #20483

Re: Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documen

Thanks Jon that is what I was thinking but did not know for sure so I just asked to reinforce my thoughts.

Reply by Indiana Notary on 2/15/05 1:36am
Msg #20642

Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documen

If you have a closing set for 2:00 pm and a closing for 11:00am and you have the package for the 11:00am closing but do not have the package for the 2:00 pm closing, I would have told the SS that was to send the package for the 2:00 pm closing that you need to receive the package no later than what ever time you need to leave. If you do not have the package by the time you leave, call the borrowers for the 2:00 pm closing and tell them you have not received their package and you will need to reschedule later in the day. I then call the SS company and let them know the appointment has been rescheduledbecause you do not have the loan package.
I would not sit at home and wait for the late package. Nor would I rearrange my other closings when their lender had their package sent to you on time.

Reply by CarolynCO on 2/13/05 12:43pm
Msg #20485

Re: Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?

**Is it true what one of the other replys say can you request them to send the documents by a certain time?**

It's true, but even requesting them by a certain hour won't guarantee that you will get them.

You haven't said where you are located. If you are are the west coast and the loans are coming from the east coast, that may give you some time. However, if you are both on the east coast and you have to leave at 7:00 a.m., that won't help you at all, because no one will probably even be in the loan office until 8:00 to finish the docs. Many times with e-docs, you don't get them until after the appointed signing time.

Reply by Reginald Wilks on 2/13/05 1:52pm
Msg #20503

Re: Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?

CarolynCO you asked where I'm located well I'm right in the center of the country I'm in Kansas.

Reply by CaliNotary on 2/13/05 2:04pm
Msg #20508

Re: Why do Companies wait until the last minute for documents?

If the docs had been ready on Friday they probably would have Fed Ex'd them to you instead of emailing them.

This is all part of dealing with edocs and a good learning experience. Some of us in here have strict time guidelines for edocs, some of us are more flexible. You need to decide what's best for you. If you do decide that you're going to use guidelines (example, must receive 3 hours before signing) then don't assume that they'll automatically be met by the title companies. When they're ready they'll send them, and sometimes they really push it until the last possible minute.

Reply by kmnotary_CA on 2/13/05 8:15am
Msg #20454

On the flip side you can have docs, and set up the appointment, and the borrower knows nothing about the loan. That was my experience Friday.

Reply by Lee/AR on 2/13/05 3:23pm
Msg #20517

Cuz they can. Set a 'drop dead' time...& stick to it. n/m

Reply by CarolynCO on 2/14/05 9:08pm
Msg #20621

Re: Well, did you receive the e-docs in time? nm

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