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OT I think that this is important.
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OT I think that this is important.
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Posted by Bob_Chicago on 7/29/06 12:05am
Msg #135944

OT I think that this is important.

Took a few hours off this AM to go in for a colonoscopy.
For those who do not know, this is a medical proceedure
wherein a tube is shoved in where " the sun don't shine"
to check for cancer and other bad stuff.
Honest , it is not a bad as it sounds. The "cleaning out" the
night before is much easier than it was 10 years ago when I last
had it done.
They give you a little happy juice, and you are in lala land for the whole
proceedure. Was in and out of the hospital in less than two hours.
Totally painless. Felt fine an hour later and did six
signings this afternoon and evening.
Fortunately, the doctor told me what many or you suspect, I have (am) a perfect
a$$ hole and he will see me in 10 years.
Unfortunately , I have buried several close frinds who thought that
the whole thing sounded gross and painfull. By the time their colon cancer
was detected after symptoms appeared, it was too late to treat.
I know a few people where colon or rectal cancer was detected early
and successfully treated. They are still enjoying full lives many years later.
Would strongly suggest that you discuss this with your doctor.
Have a great weedend.

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 7/29/06 12:12am
Msg #135946

Re: OT Yep what a subject, but it is important and not at

all a bad procedure....

Reply by BarbaraL_CA on 7/29/06 12:22am
Msg #135948

Bob - you are so right, and ...

you have a wonderful way of saying it Smile

Reply by TitleGalCA on 7/29/06 12:31am
Msg #135950

My ex-business partner passed away 2 years ago at 53 because he was uncomfortable about the procedure. I wish he could have read your post, Bob.

Reply by ewing2surf on 7/29/06 1:13am
Msg #135960

My X is still a pain in my Ass.

Reply by BrendaTx on 7/29/06 1:25am
Msg #135964

Bob, you are, as usual, a gentleman and a good guy. Thank you for being a big boy and not only doing this, but for telling the others to get it done also.

Reply by Sylvia_FL on 7/29/06 6:35am
Msg #135969

I had a colonoscopy in September last year. Doc said everything was fine and he would see me in 10 years. As you all know my colon ruptured in February and I almost died! I would have thought that something would have shown up on the colonoscopy.

Yes, the procedure is totally painless, you are in laLa land while they are doing it.

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 7/29/06 9:47am
Msg #135982

Re: OT You know, you all keep mentioning your in la la land

I have had this procedure done twice now in my lifetime, once in my 40's and once again this past year. I do not consider it painful in the true sense of the word pain. I'm certainly aware of the cattle probe up my A??, I did at times find it a tad uncomfortable(they more so if you have gas and since I am full of heat air....go figure). However I was never given anything for the discomfort other then grin and bear it and a doc that loved discussing what he seeing as he works his magic, like I cared...... I'm I to understand you were all given something to calm you....if so I guess I need a new doc....I'm certain I'll have to do this again should me and my sixty's meet......

Reply by Stamper_WI on 7/29/06 10:46am
Msg #135985

Re: OT You know, you all keep mentioning your in la la land

You probably have the shortened version. You stay awake for that and they do not go as "high" into your colon. Usually you don't remember most of the procedure. If they don't like what they see, then you have it redone all the way. That is when they totally put you out.
Taking care of any polyps before they are cancerous is always better than the alternative of ignoring the possibility.

Reply by Bob_Chicago on 7/29/06 11:31am
Msg #135996

You know, you all keep mentioning you're in la la land

I am a real cheap drunk when it comes to drugs.
Kind of missed the action in the 60s so I didn't build up
much of a tolerence. Two drops of valium and I am on the
I honestly don't remember a thing between the nurse
putting in the IV and talking to my wife after I got dressed.
I had to ask her later what the Dr. said what was the result.
Slept for the 20 minute ride home and then I was fine.
My discomfort level was "0"
I think that my Dr used to be in the Navy. Someone said something
about him being called the "Rear Admiral"

Reply by MaryP/PA on 7/29/06 11:42am
Msg #136004

funny I just had my third one done 2 weeks ago. Each time I have polyps so I have to repeat every 3-5 years. The worst I think is the prep but even now they told me there are pills you can take instead of drinking that horrid stuff. They said they are quite big and huge but that's ok because I'd rather do that then drink that stuff they give you to clean you out. Overall it's not a bad experience and once again I had polyps so I'll have to have another one in 3 years.

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