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What do you think
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Posted by Ali/IL on 7/31/06 1:49pm
Msg #136296

What do you think

This sounds like backdating to me.

I did a signing. I noticed that the closing date was for a couple of days away. I changed the rtc to reflect the correct date and also had borrower date for the day that we met.

The lender involved does not include a mortgage acknowledgement in the package. I was having so much trouble with this borrower that I forgot to include an acknowledgement.

Now, company called and said to send them an all purpose ackowledgement. To not fill in the closing date. Of course I will fill in the closing date when the borrowers signed.

Give me your opinions.

Reply by Lee/AR on 7/31/06 2:10pm
Msg #136298

If I am reading this correctly, you would not be 'filling in a closing date' on anything anyway.
You'd just be filling in the date on the Ack that they appeared before you and signed said mortgage.

Reply by Ali/IL on 7/31/06 2:14pm
Msg #136299

That is what they are talking about the day they appeared before me.

Because now they are saying that the mortgage was dated for 7-31 and, they signed on 7-26. That it may have to be resigned . So, docs may have to be redrawn and they would then insert the date on the acknowledgement.

I dated it for the day that they signed. And, if they want to redraw then I will attach a new certificate to mortgage.

Reply by Diga2Lin/FL on 7/31/06 2:25pm
Msg #136300

If I'm reading all of this correctly - they want you to send a loose acknowledgement to attach to a mortgage already signed because you forgot to send one in with the package - the answer is NO - they have to send that signed deed back to you and you attach the completed acknowledgement.

You shouldn never send loose acknowledgements to anyone - and one without the date filled in??....never...

Reply by LilyMD on 7/31/06 3:13pm
Msg #136305

I never send loose's just asking for trouble. n/m

Reply by CaliNotary on 7/31/06 3:15pm
Msg #136306

Correcting an oversight isn't a big deal IMO. If you're sure that you made the mistake and didn't include the acknowledement, I don't see any problem with sending one in to correct your error, assuming it's not illegal to do so in your state.

As for redrawn docs, that's a different story. If they sign a new mortgage, they better appear in front of you before you attach an acknowledgement to it.

Reply by Genkichan on 7/31/06 3:37pm
Msg #136311

I agree with CaliNotary. Fix your mistake if you're sure you made it. Put the correct date on your acknowledgement, and note at the bottom of the doc the name of the doc that it is to be attached to.

If they re-draw, that's a new signing, and a new FULL fee for you! ;-)

Reply by Ali/IL on 7/31/06 4:24pm
Msg #136325

I sent the acknowledgement dated for the day that the borrower signed. And, I named the document that it attached to.

If they want to redraw the docs then they would have to pay me to return. And, I would then attach a new certificate to refect that date.

thanks everyone for your help. Keep cool

Reply by Stephanie_CA on 7/31/06 5:53pm
Msg #136343

Have them send you the original dociument.
You can then complete an all purpose acknowledgement, attach to the original document and send it back to them.


Reply by Stephanie_CA on 7/31/06 5:53pm
Msg #136344

Have them send you the original document.
You can then complete an all purpose acknowledgement, attach to the original document and send it back to them.


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