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OT - For the Ladies...
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OT - For the Ladies...
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Posted by Dennis D Broadbooks on 4/10/07 8:40pm
Msg #184555

OT - For the Ladies...

...& maybe a few good men. I'm a Tom Jones fan, but this video puts a "spin" on one of his songs like I've never seen before.

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 4/10/07 10:10pm
Msg #184567

Dennis thanks for sharing, too too funny! Spin heck, Tom Jones was always selling sex.....think in terms of stuffed sock and his gyrating hips and pelvic thrusts, he was one sexy mama jama......All kidding aside Tom has a beautiful voice, love that Welshman.....whether he wore a stuff sock or not he was and is still pretty darn sexy.

Reply by Sharon Taylor on 4/10/07 10:22pm
Msg #184571

Awesome - thanks, Dennis!

I love ice dancing, and this was just sooooo much fun. I read the comments, and it turns out he's a Russian, Gold Medal winner, and this particular bit was not a competition, just an entertaining demonstration. His skill is amazing....umm, ya, I was only watching his feet and enjoying his expertise on ice, honest....

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 4/10/07 10:27pm
Msg #184573

Re: Awesome - thanks, Dennis! Dennis I'm afraid I enjoyed

more then his feet......he's a funny guy!

Reply by Susan Fischer on 4/10/07 11:33pm
Msg #184584

He's danced this way (NR) before, thanks for bringin' him

back. He had Too Much Fun! Fun police! Oh, Fun Police!! Too much fun going on here, what with all the skating, spinning, jumping, stripping, flexing, I mean, foot watching...

Reply by Stamper_WI on 4/10/07 11:36pm
Msg #184585

My favorite Tom Jones

With my all time favorite singer.Watch the folks sitting at the tables warm up.

Reply by Susan Fischer on 4/11/07 12:30am
Msg #184596

I bet they did it. Right after the show. In the van. :) n/m

Reply by Dennis D Broadbooks on 4/11/07 4:23am
Msg #184601

I Did a Search... see if this had been posted on NotRot before. There's one part of the "act" I wish he'd toned down a bit, but all in all I find this to be hilarious. It's definitely on the edge though & I had some misgivings about whether it might push the envelope too far for the board. Hope no one was offended.

Reply by Susan Fischer on 4/11/07 10:59am
Msg #184639

I first saw this program on national television. If memory

serves, it was one of those skating 'competitions' with teams of great skaters (hence, the kissing of one of the judge's hand.) The skaters get to have fun, the audience has a blast, and it's a refreshing change from the grueling pressures of Nationals, Worlds, or the Olympics.

I can't imagine anyone being offended, Dennis. Thanks for thinking of the 'ladies;' it's a great skate full of humor and moxy - and, of course, brilliant footwork!


Reply by CJ on 4/11/07 12:01pm
Msg #184654

Not offensive

This was funny! He was a fox, I loved the gold speedos, and I see not-as-atractive bodies on the beach all the time.

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