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Anyone getting the IPhone 5 when it arrives?
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Anyone getting the IPhone 5 when it arrives?
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Posted by John Schenk on 7/19/11 4:33pm
Msg #390210

Anyone getting the IPhone 5 when it arrives?

I'm planning on getting one and throwing this old Motorla whatever it is, hand-me-down, in the trash. LOL


Reply by Saul Leibowitz on 7/19/11 4:39pm
Msg #390213

Probably; if the changes from the 4.0 are small I will defer until the 5S or 6.0 or whatever they call it. My contract is up on the 3GS and the newest IOS may not work on it.

Reply by John Schenk on 7/19/11 4:48pm
Msg #390215

It'll be my first smart phone, and I'm stuck with AT & T for a good while yet, so figured I might as well get the newest one when I make my move so it's got more stuff on it that I'll probably never use. LOL

I'd probably also pay the extra $20 a month to be able to tether my mini notebook to it. I think that's a pretty neat feature.

Kinda looking forward to catching up with the technology a little.


Reply by Stephanie Santiago on 7/19/11 5:05pm
Msg #390221

Re: Anyone getting the IPhone 5; I'll be contacting you for

some feedback on the newest IPhone.
I have the 3G.
I was thinking about upgrading to the 5, but I'll get some feedback from you first.

Reply by John Schenk on 7/19/11 6:23pm
Msg #390243

Steph, not sure I'd be much help to you

Haven't gone the smart phone route until now so my opinion wouldn't count much as I have no real smartphone experience to compare it to. My phone is a Model T. Moving to an IPhone5 would be like moving from a Model T to a Ferrari for me. LOL


Reply by Notarysigner on 7/19/11 5:05pm
Msg #390222

I even use my 4G to monitor my sleep pattern n/m

Reply by Calnotary on 7/19/11 5:22pm
Msg #390225

again James you dont have a 4G you have an iphone4 n/m

Reply by Notarysigner on 7/19/11 5:27pm
Msg #390227

To J O H N....If you ever look at my profile..

the pictures of my art that I post E V E R Y D AY are taken with my ...what ever calnotary wants me to have.

I honestly have no issues with any poster here.....

Reply by jba/fl on 7/19/11 5:43pm
Msg #390232

James - if you used to have a phone kiosk....why

don't you know this? OMG!


Reply by Notarysigner on 7/19/11 5:49pm
Msg #390234

Re: James - if you used to have a phone kiosk....why

Ooooo that hurts! ROFLMAO

Reply by Notarysigner on 7/19/11 5:03pm
Msg #390220

I will if you say get it! I've always loved toys, besides...I got kids, Grandkids!

Reply by Linda Juenger on 7/19/11 5:30pm
Msg #390229

Once you go smartphone, you'll never go back. I started with a blackberry and would not have given it up had the trackball wore out. My kids talked me into the Iphone, which I like also, but, the bb had a couple features that I still miss.

1. I use to be able to delete any phone number one at a time (like borrowers numbers) and be able to keep the rest and by process of elimination be able to add a contact of people (companies) that called me. This is a major hassle with the Iphone. I actually hate this on the iphone.

2. I have 4 email accts set up. The bb has a red light that blinks when you have mail. I used to be able to set my "work" email for closings to blink when I received docs or msg from companies. I can't do that with the Iphone. I have to slide to open the iphone, then go to mail and then look. The bb, I could just glance at the phone and if the light was blinking, I had mail. I miss that sooooo much.

When my contract is up, I am seriously looking for another phone that does these 2 things. I miss them so much.

Reply by MaggieMae_CA on 7/19/11 5:35pm
Msg #390231

Smartphones - 2G, 3G and 4G networks

Remember to check to see what type of network is in your area. People in Omaha, NE buying iPhone 4 are only in a 2G (or 3G) network. There are people who end up disappointed with their smartphones not going fast enough, when the truth is, it's not the phone, but the network that has a major impact on the performance.

Reply by Notarysigner on 7/19/11 5:48pm
Msg #390233

Re: Smartphones - 2G, 3G and 4G networks

Maggie, would you believe that after spending 32 years with Airtouch, Cingular, Att wireless as an Operations Manager, posters treat me like I'm a nobody. LOL I retired in 1997 with a six figure salary and I still ain't "SxxT" TO SOME. It is the network, beyond a shadow of a doubt and the "network" ain't everywhere!

Reply by John Schenk on 7/19/11 6:20pm
Msg #390242

We have 4G here and in the Dallas metro

That's where I spend the majority of my time.


Reply by Notarysigner on 7/19/11 6:30pm
Msg #390246

Re: We have 4G here and in the Dallas metro

i'VE been to meetings outside Dallas at the old Microsoft complex! In fact, I/S 35 and I/S 45 was one of my projects.....not problems there!!!!!!!!!!

Reply by John Schenk on 7/19/11 7:04pm
Msg #390250

Re: We have 4G here and in the Dallas metro

I "believe" they changed some towers out in this area within the last year. 3g, 4g really wasn't an issue for me so it really didn't matter to me.

I DO know that going down US 281 from here towards Ft. Worth you were in and out of service with the curves of the road, but I haven't been down that way since the new towers were added so I suspect that is better now, but their map doesn't show that road to be 4G. I don't go that way anyway as I like the 4 lane divided highway on 287 towards Ft. Worth and then 114 to I 35 in Dallas.

Currently, I haven't experienced the difference between 4G or 3G to any extent so it won't actually register for me until I get a smart phone and see the difference for myself. It's kind of like when I used to connect at 28 baud, but could sometimes get a connection at 56 was that amazing or what? LMAO


Reply by Notarysigner on 7/19/11 7:42pm
Msg #390256

Re: We have 4G here and in the Dallas metro

the big difference will be memory, speed and battery charge life.

When I was working that area, the focus was on the interstate routes, Verizon, cellular were focusing on acquiring the mom and pops in that area planning to launch their own nationwide network. New England bell started all that mess!

Reply by MaggieMae_CA on 7/19/11 6:55pm
Msg #390248

I love my iPhone and will be getting next generation

Originally bought an iPhone because all of the kids in the sandbox had one and I wanted to be like them. Very awkward for a kid who grew up with a dial phone and only knew how to call out and receive calls. So many new buttons to play with!

But I've got to confess, I don't know what I'd do without it today. I am using more and more Apps and features than I ever thought I would.

My husband on the other hand thinks the iPhone is for playing solitaire when there's nothing on FOX News.

Reply by John Schenk on 7/19/11 7:06pm
Msg #390251

I can appeciate your hubby's thoughts. LOL n/m

Reply by jba/fl on 7/19/11 9:25pm
Msg #390271

My son thinks that is what a computer is for, unless

he needs a phone number.....LOL. So funny.

Reply by John Schenk on 7/19/11 6:15pm
Msg #390240

Never really looked into smartphones before

I was just satisfied with being able to make and receive calls, and I don't text other than maybe a word or two. I DO like some of the gadgets you can put on these things though. Played around with my fiancee's IPhone 4, and it's pretty kewl. I have no internet access with the Batphone I have, but I like the carrier I have for it hooked to my belt. LOL I don't suppose any of them have everything that one would like, but ANY of them would have more than I currently have. LOL My fiancee, daughter and son all have Iphones, so at least I'll have a support system to help me with it, and that's probably a good thing! I'll be the first with an Iphone5 at my house this time though instead of getting hand-me-down phones. HEHE

JJ :-D

Reply by Susan Fischer on 7/19/11 7:38pm
Msg #390255

Ha! John. Picture it: You, alone, unwrapping new iPhone5.

Maybe you log on to the iPhone site and click on a Getting Started Video.

The doorbell rings. You leave the iPhone5 with the computer to answer the door. In comes your beautiful bride to be, with that adorably quizzical expression, and you point to the iPhone5.

Might as well just get you coat, and take the dog for a long walk - you won't see either of them for a while.

Reply by John Schenk on 7/19/11 8:23pm
Msg #390261

Re: Ha! John. Picture it: You, alone, unwrapping new iPhone5.

LMAO Probably be some of that. I enjoy new toys! I'm sure I'll spend some time on application searches and downloads, although I have no idea how to do any of that at this point.

I tell ya...I like how you can blow that screen up and I can read it, which takes nothing at all as it's part of it.

Kind of a funny story...I've only been to the eye doctor once in my life. Bought a pair of glasses, and I think the whole thing, testing, etc., cost me about $600. I hated the glasses because I couldn't scan a paragraph at a time and could only see a few lines of text, although what I could see was very clear, tried to get them adjusted, and they couldn't, and trashed them and went back to my Walgreen's specials. I read paragraphs at a time, I don't read line by line. Hugh probably reads the same way as that's the way we initially read legal opinions, and THEN when we see something we may be looking for, we read line by line. It's really kind of hard to explain that type of reading as it's not an intense reading at first, but it's fairly thorough followed by an intense reading of a case, once you find something you want, or don't want. An IPhone will never let me do that EVER. I need a much bigger screen to do that, or material I print. ANYTHING truly important for me to read will result in me hitting the print button.

I expect I will visit a lot of new things with the gadget, and look forward to that. I have seen what they can do, nominally, and they intrigue me. I actually like the being able to hook my mini puter to it and typing text messages from that instead of jacking around with texting with a phone. I don't text with a phone now...I normally answer texts via my puter. I may certainly change and improve on that in the future, but that's not really my goal. I'd like to have it to plug my puter in it and answer texts from the puter and not the IPhone. I've never tried to text from an IPhone so really don't know what that's like. If it's anything like the dinosaur I have, I can assure you I won't change and become a texting guru like the rest of the world. LOL

I like new gadgets. I think I'll learn, and am willing to learn. This old dog can learn new tricks still!

JJ :-D

Reply by jba/fl on 7/19/11 9:36pm
Msg #390273

I know what I'm going to like with mine when I get it -

the GPS in the woods and on the water is fantastic....reason enough to get one for sure. We used one this week-end and I've got the feel for that already. Perhaps Christmas to me from Santa?

Like you JJ - no is the only way to go for me. Or, silent until I need it.

The phone is the future for us all - all aspects. A great ride I'm glad I'm getting to see in my lifetime. What will they think of next? course - they said that with sliced bread too.

Reply by Julie/MI on 7/19/11 8:44pm
Msg #390266

I have the 3 and am pleased as punch. No need for me to upgrade. My husband has the 4 and I don't like the way it feels in my hand.

Reply by CapCityAgent on 7/19/11 9:20pm
Msg #390270

Re: Anyone getting the IPhone 5 when it arrives? No, love my n/m

Reply by CapCityAgent on 7/19/11 9:36pm
Msg #390272

No, love my Andriod Thunderbolt

Like some of you, I just upgraded from my regular cell phone (LG) to my first smartphone, the Andriod Thunderbolt. I have Verizon wireless and I was dead set on the IPhone but everyone was saying Iphone was not good with the verizon network. I reluctantly went with the Andriod T-bolt! The HTC Thunderbolt is amazing!!!! Of course I have the 4G network in my area. I went to the apple store to have my Macbook serviced and everyone was talking how issues they had with their Iphone. I was like wowwwww. I am glad I did not get an Iphone. I have an upgrade due on my work cell phone and I really am considering the IPhone, but with hestitation because of all the negative feedback I heard about the Iphone on the verizon system. I might just go with another Andriod smartphone!

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