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Faxbacks--here's a good one. I got a call today from the
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Faxbacks--here's a good one. I got a call today from the
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Posted by MW/VA on 7/20/11 1:18pm
Msg #390366

Faxbacks--here's a good one. I got a call today from the

LO that I did a VA RESPA for last night (through ss, of course). He wanted me to fax it to him today, since the pkg. couldn't ship last night. It was 90 pages!!!!! I asked him if he realized it was 90 pages. Of course, the reply was "well, in our office, all you have to do is stack it on the machine and it takes care of itself". LOL Yes, and I don't work in an office where the equipment & phone line are provided. I did accommodate of course (scan & email), but really--90 pages!!!! I called the ss about additional compensation for this of course. I don't work for free. I have NEVER had a request to fax 90 pages before & am flabbergated!!!

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 7/20/11 1:31pm
Msg #390369

This is why I invested in a Fujitsu ScanSnap machine... best business investment ever... or at least right up there. I can put the docs on the feed, and it does it all for me. This thing even scans two sides at a time.

It's super small and takes up very little space on my desk.

90 pages is a bit much, though. When I'm asked to fax more than a few criticals... I just scan the whole package and send it off. It's more trouble than it's worth for me, personally, to pick out 50+ pages of a package. It's either a few pages or all of them as far as I'm concerned.

Reply by jnew on 7/20/11 1:38pm
Msg #390372

Ditto to Marian on this. There are a not a lot of used Scansnaps out there, but if you can pick one up cheap, they are a Godsend. I was able to go 90 per cent paperless with it and scanning any size package is a piece of cake. I don't fax anything more than 8 or 9 pages anymore and I have not had a customer who has refused the mail and scan. I save more time by scanning the entire package than to go through and sort out the requested docs.

Reply by MW/VA on 7/20/11 1:47pm
Msg #390376

Thanks for the tip. I would appreciate it if you would send

me (p/m) more info--model no., price range, etc.
I did buy a VuPoint scanner a while back but never use it. I'll sell that if anyone is interested.

Reply by Cam/CA on 7/20/11 1:54pm
Msg #390378

Re: I didn't see one that scanned more than 50 pages at

a time, jnew are you able to scan more than 50 pages?

Reply by jnew on 7/20/11 1:59pm
Msg #390379

Re: Thanks for the tip. I would appreciate it if you would send

The S1500 is highly rated and the best scanner for the price. Office depot link attached:

Reply by jnew on 7/20/11 2:08pm
Msg #390382

Re: Thanks for the tip. I would appreciate it if you would send

You can not put the entire package in at one time and have it scanned. I normally will allow -5 pages on the feeder. Count out 45-50 pages and divide the rest of the package in the same thickness and scan each stack. It only takes a couple of minutes for each stack. I use Nitro PDF which allows you to drag and drop the stacks on to each other and send the entire package in one email.

Reply by Calnotary on 7/20/11 3:26pm
Msg #390395

I don't have to buy another machine, my Brother MFC has

a document scanner and it takes up to 50 pages, I can scan in one file up to 150 pages. You put 50 pages and when you are at 48-49-50page you just stick another 50 pages and it continues. It gets slower around page 80 but it's ok, I am in no rush.

Reply by MW/VA on 7/20/11 9:02pm
Msg #390432

That's what I got recently, and I don't think I need

anything else. It's still wierd to fax a 90 page Respa (application).

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 7/21/11 1:17am
Msg #390445


It appears the snappyscan device is clearly the way to go, but minus that, be prepared to just say no the next time - in the nicest way possible, of course.

Whenever I am asked by a non-hiring person to do something (usually outrageous, like faxing 90 pages) I say I have to check with my hiring agency. If they haven't hired me, I don't work for them. If the hiring agency says go ahead, they either pay me (unless I do it as a "favor" for them), but most times, they or the TC tell the LO/Realtor/borrower/whoever to take a hike.

It's natural to want to comply with any requests we get, but if it doesn't come from the agency that hired me, no deal. Otherwise I start "working" for someone else ... usually for free! (And I've also learned in this biz that no good deed goes unpunished - but that's another story!)

Reply by jba/fl on 7/21/11 1:24am
Msg #390446

Very good technique....worth adding to repertoire. n/m

Reply by MW/VA on 7/21/11 8:18am
Msg #390451

Thanks for the suggestion. I usually handle it that way.

I just brought it up to point out that people do not get it what it is for us to be in this biz.
Printing 90 pages, time to get them signed, etc., is more than enough for the deal.
I've even heard of cos. that can't get that a notary can't have a fax in the car! Unbelievable!

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