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Got a request for a $10.00 fee
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Got a request for a $10.00 fee
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Posted by Tim Donahue on 7/27/11 12:12pm
Msg #391584

Got a request for a $10.00 fee

I keeo getting emails from some company wanting me to a "home valuation" cert. for the incredible large fee of $10.00.

Lets see at $4.00 a gallon, an around an hour of my time, and 15 miles on my car, this sounds just what I have been hoping for.

How can a company ask so much for so little?

Reply by jba/fl on 7/27/11 12:13pm
Msg #391585

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. n/m

Reply by Notarysigner on 7/27/11 1:01pm
Msg #391596

volume LOL n/m

Reply by Scriba/NM on 7/27/11 1:51pm
Msg #391610

Everyone is laughing, but there will be someone who will tumble for this latest idiocy. I want to thank all those "notaries" out there who are accepting absurdly low fees, because it keeps these wierdo companies from calling me - they already know what I charge. I also receive these emails from low-ballers who are busily recruiting notaries for $50 signings. These companies will get what they deserve, hopefully. It's just a shame that new notaries (I can't figure out why there are "new" notaries attempting to do loan signings now) continually fall for the scams and low fees. There will always be someone I guess. Caveat Emptor (just swap out the word "buyer" with "notary").

Reply by mwm143 on 7/27/11 3:17pm
Msg #391622

The signing company makes $40 on these n/m

Reply by MW/VA on 7/27/11 9:13pm
Msg #391701

These are known as "field inspections" and don't pay enough

to be worth the time & effort, IMO.

Reply by Buddy Young on 7/27/11 9:44pm
Msg #391709

I had a company offer me $6 last year for that service, I just laughed at them

Reply by janCA on 7/28/11 9:20am
Msg #391747

Are you talking about Photoinspection

I get requests for those every once in a while. And there for awhile I was getting them everyday. Unbelievable that anyone would do these for six bucks. These companies are making a mint on these inspections, and of course, off the backs of notaries that accepts them.

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