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Home is sad shape!
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Home is sad shape!
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Posted by Claudine Osborne on 7/16/12 9:17pm
Msg #427070

Home is sad shape!

I went into a home for a refinance today that was the most delapitated place I have ever been in to!

The stench hurt my lungs..I felt so sorry for this elderly man. The ceilings had half caved in and there was mold growing around the rest of the ceiling. Bugs were walking all over the table! The table was so dirty and sticky thank goodness I use a folder to present the docs, I used that as a tablecloth!

The BO was also very dirty and when he asked if I wanted my pen back I told him No..I ran out of there as fast as I could..Came home to a nice shower and to clean the brief case!

How can a home like this pass an appraisal? Yuk!

Reply by PegiT_MN on 7/16/12 10:15pm
Msg #427083

I had a closing like that once.....

.....I walked into a house and once the stench of garbage permeated my nostrils and I saw it and all the dirty dishes piled up on the kitchen table, I turned around and walked right out the door......called the title company immediately and told them what had just happened......and I got my full fee! Three days later I had the worst flu I have had in 30 years.

Reply by Susan Fischer on 7/16/12 11:15pm
Msg #427088

That's a good question. I'm glad I'm retired, because I

witnessed more rotten deals, on all sides: perfect dump, no foundation, and a bare 25 watt lightbulb in the next "room" for a light.

And, so many others that I'm ashamed of, actually.

In the instant case, the condition of the poor old man? If I were still working, and ran into such a Senior in obvious trouble, I would be compelled to report - as a mandatory reporter.

Personally, the shower I would take, would be to wash away the damned spot, so's to speak.

Nothing personal to the OP, just this old woman's personal take.

Reply by Karla/OR on 7/17/12 2:14am
Msg #427095

Oh Claudine, how horrible to witness that! So sorry.

Even though I am allergic to mold, I could have possibly stuck out the appointment. However, the minute I saw the bugs, I would have been out the door.

I was always taught that just because you are poor doesn't mean that you have to live in filth. To me it sounds like this man is not only poor but suffers from mental illness. It makes me wonder where his family is and why they are not caring for him.

Are there no agencies or non-profits that can help turn this situation around?

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 7/17/12 5:34am
Msg #427096

I think I'd call the Health Department and/or Senior

Services on this...the man is living in a health and safety hazard ..

Someone asked if he has family to help? If he does, IMO they're just as liable for not stepping in to do something about this.

Not sure if I could complete the closing under those circumstances, and I can take a lot. But I know I'd definitely be on the phone with someone - I couldn't turn my back on this poor guy.


Reply by BrendaTx on 7/17/12 8:53am
Msg #427103

Re: I think I'd call the Health Department and/or Senior

Easier said than done...been there, done it. Angry seniors who feel that they are violated by intrusive visits from the local authorities who look in on them. Next thing you know you're trying to rob them blind (according to them).

Hard to know what to do.

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 7/17/12 12:01pm
Msg #427128

One visit from the health department and they should

be able to make a determination .. then it's out of your hands - ceiling caving in and mold growing? How could anyone just turn their back on that?

Went through something similar with my mother - house not falling in but filth and mold - we had to remove her and she was VERY angry at me...but in her case it was early dementia that led to it - and our respecting her wishes to "leave her alone and let her be in peace" attitude that let it get too far. If it's true that mold is already growing and the ceilings are falling in - this gent has been in a very sorry state for quite some time and he's now in danger - honestly, I don't care HOW angry he gets - he doesn't really know any better any more, does he? And if one is there for the first and only time for a signing, I'm sure due diligence will show that the proof is there that there was no relationship, therefore not stealing from them.



Reply by BrendaTx on 7/17/12 4:11pm
Msg #427168

Life is not that black and white, though, is it?

Reply by Barb25 on 7/17/12 5:54pm
Msg #427182

Re: I think I'd call the Health Department and/or Senior

"Next thing you know you're trying to rob them blind (according to them)."

And sometimes they are right.

Reply by Barb25 on 7/17/12 8:46am
Msg #427102

Do you think there is already some national program in

place for situations like this? I mean we have all sorts of Senior/Elder care programs and Public Service announcements and commercials for just about everything. Some of these people would obviously welcome help but others not so much I am sure. Touchy subject. But as for doing the heart goes out to you guys. I have seen bad but not this bad. Yet.

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