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Opinion about IDs.
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Opinion about IDs.
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Posted by CJ on 7/27/12 10:08am
Msg #428254

Opinion about IDs.

Last night (of course).

Docs for the woman read: First name, Middle name, Married name.
D.L. read: First name, Middle Initial, Married name.
Passport read: First name, Middle name, Maiden name.

So the D.L. had the last name that I needed, and the passport had the middle name that I needed.

Fortunately, there were two other adults for witnesses, but what would you have done? (I put all the ID info from the DL and the passport in my book and I got two witnesses.)

Reply by VT_Syrup on 7/27/12 10:26am
Msg #428263

If I had to follow the badly-thought-out-legislation CA notaries have to work with, I would have first determined which state issued the driver's license and what their middle name policy was at the time the license was issued. If I found out it was DMV policy to only put a middle initial on the license, I would interpret that as meaning that an allowed ID matched the name as well as possible. There is no indication the legislature intended to delegate to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles the authority to prevent license holders from using their full middle names. Any other evidence would have been extra reassurance.

Reply by CJ on 7/27/12 10:34am
Msg #428270

Docs were in CA, DL. was from CA and Passport was from Mexico, but stamped in USA.

I think complete idiots work at our DMV. I have had borrowers tell me that "the lady at the DMV" told them: "You don't need your middle name", "there is not enough room for your maiden and married name, so you can drop it", "It's okay to use your nickname" (I have SEEN nick-names on D.L.s,), "Everyone knows that Connie is short for Consuela, so it's okay to just put Connie."

The DMV people have no clue about notary laws, rules, or the ramifications of ID, so I think they just make it up as they go along.

One guy, his middle name was "Scot" on his DL and "Scott" on his passport. I asked which one was correct and he said he had a birth certificate for each. Great. Fortunately, the docs had "S."

Reply by sigtogo/OR on 7/27/12 10:42am
Msg #428274

wow, two birth certs? creative!! I have gotten CA DL's that

have last name cut off. seriously?

Reply by CJ on 7/27/12 10:49am
Msg #428279

The last name cut off on a DL? YIKES!

About the Birth certificate: he told me some story about mom misspelled the name, so dad had to go back and re-do the birth certificate, but then the first one was the "accepted" one, and it has caused him grief his whole life. Even in the military they called him up to explain why he was purposly causing trouble by misspelling his middle name.

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 7/27/12 11:35am
Msg #428292

"I think complete idiots work at our DMV. "

No reason to think it... it's pretty much solid fact.

I spent over 6 months trying to get my new ID out of them. Had to keep going back for a new photo... long story... they are idiots, and I told them that to their faces the last time I was there. I was pretty mad. Smile I live an hour from any DMV office. I was also running a fever and pretty sick that day so wasn't in my right mind... but they are still idiots.... and even funnier was when I finally got my ID in the mail? Lots of glare on my glasses, one of the reasons they kept rejecting my photos. I refuse to remove my glasses for a photo. It's not legally required (which I proved to them, despite several of their people telling me otherwise), and I require them to drive, to see anything... I'm totally blind without them. My glasses stay on. They got really annoyed with me because I dared tell *them* what the law says.

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