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Yahoo mail users, just in case you missed this:
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Yahoo mail users, just in case you missed this:
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Posted by Glenn Strickler on 7/12/12 2:52pm
Msg #426531

Yahoo mail users, just in case you missed this:

They have been hacked .... You might want to change your passwords ...

Reply by HisHughness on 7/12/12 3:29pm
Msg #426533

Be aware, when you change your password, you may impact the Yahoo! account on your mobile phone. I'm still trying to get my straightened out.

Reply by LKT/CA on 7/12/12 4:05pm
Msg #426536

I suggest anyone with a Yahoo account remove all contacts stored there. Register and Gmail and then sign up for the "two step verification process". Put your contacts in the Gmail account. I posted recently about my an attempt to hack my Gmail account but Google stopped the attempt.

Create a strong password, make it case sensitive where the middle letters are capitalized and use at least five numbers. For example:

Instead of this: ChocolateChip98765

Make your password this: choColaTecHip12345

Reply by Glenn Strickler on 7/12/12 4:41pm
Msg #426542

I store my contacts locally, on the device, never on

a web based email program.

Reply by LKT/CA on 7/12/12 5:01pm
Msg #426553

Re: I store my contacts locally, on the device, never on

On what device? I'm not computer savvy.

Reply by Glenn Strickler on 7/12/12 10:29pm
Msg #426599

Re: I store my contacts locally, on the device, never on

By "on device" I meant whatever I am using to send and receive email whether it's a laptop, desktop or smart phone.

While I do use Yahoo and Gmail from time to time, which are web based email clients, for the important stuff and my contact list, I use Thunderbird, which is an email client that resides on the computer itself. You send and receive email through it by using the email address provided by your Internet Service Provider. Microsoft Outlook is another such client. Then through your settings, you can set the contact list not to sync with anything online such as any cloud service.

Same with my Android phone. Through the settings in the phone, you can turn off all syncing abliity with any cloud service that may be native to your phone such as iCloud for iPhone, or Google+ for 'Droid.

Hope this helps

Reply by C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 7/13/12 8:25am
Msg #426627

I use ICloud and this is not an option for me..

But have been seriously considering buying an encrypted email service like Zixcorp, or Microsoft Exchange Hosted Encryption....

If I want to ensure my clients data is encrypted and secured, cloud based systems are just not at all convincing right now....

Reply by C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 7/12/12 5:04pm
Msg #426554

only less than 5% of the email accounts linked to Voices...

an online publishing tool they acquired back in 2010...

Yahoo confirmed on Thursday the hack of Yahoo Voices, part of its news service, saying approximately 400,000 usernames and passwords were stolen. But in a written statement, the company said that less than 5% of the breached Yahoo accounts had valid passwords. Voices is an online publishing tool.

Mine are all good. I change them every 30 days anyway...I'm not worried...

Reply by MW/VA on 7/12/12 6:31pm
Msg #426564

Not just Yahoo accts. The hackers are really busy. I know

of gmail, aol, etc. users that have been hacked also.

Reply by Carolyn Nee on 7/12/12 7:02pm
Msg #426572

Re: Not just Yahoo accts. The hackers are really busy. I know

Yep - got a message from g-mail end of June that someone had been trying to get into my account from Albania! Tweren't I - so I changed my password pronto. I think I'm going to the every thirty day change too.

Reply by LKT/CA on 7/12/12 8:47pm
Msg #426589

Re: Not just Yahoo accts. The hackers are really busy. I know

Just wondering.....did they actually hack into your gmail account or was it just an "attempt"?

Reply by Carolyn Nee on 7/14/12 1:08pm
Msg #426854

Re: Not just Yahoo accts. The hackers are really busy. I know

It was just an attempt. I don't open anything that I have doubts about so not sure how they got as far as they did. Really scary.

Reply by C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 7/13/12 8:13am
Msg #426623

the best pieces of advice I can give here is...

do NOT open emails from unknown email users...

do NOT click on any emails sending weird links like: or the like...

do NOT fall for the dear sir or honorable madam in subject line...

do NOT open emails that have names that pretty much belong to no one but porn stars like: [e-mail address], or [e-mail address]

I have a bunch of yahoo emails and just about every day, I spend about 1 hour cleaning my email inbox and blocking unwanted email addresses. Its a pain but worth it.

I've also learned that spammers like to send lots of phishing emails (you receive an email, with your email address domain on the end) like: [e-mail address].

If you receive such emails, don't freak out....they haven't yet hacked into your account, yet. They just want to know if they can, and if you respond saying WTF? then they know they have live email, and will hit you up! Just block out that email and put it into your Blocked Address list - Yahoo lets you store up to 500.

It will also let you block out, are yahoo email accounts from out of US...I never ever open these up...

You can also set up your yahoo email inbox to where you can read it in the preview pane and the sender will have no idea if you've read it or not. This helps especially when you accidentally open up an email that doesn't look like spam, but then once you've opened it up, it clearly is.

Oh, and you can NOT ALLOW IMAGES to be seen in your email. LOTS of spammers and hackers embed codes that will take over your email, computer thus life. So never ever open emails with just images...

I'm only on my 1st cup of coffee...but give me some more time this morning, and I can probably jot down some more pointers....

Reply by C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 7/13/12 8:20am
Msg #426625


When log onto your PC or Laptop, and check your inbox, the emails will all be marked as READ. So if it was spam, you've just alerted the spammer that they have a live email address.

Don't panic...if this happens, just go into your SPAM Inbox, click the ALL button, and then click them as all UNREAD...then hit the little garbage can, and POOF...ALL GONE...for a minute...

Reply by MW/VA on 7/13/12 9:07am
Msg #426632

Alert! You can spot when someone's email acct. has been

hacked. There's nothing in the subject line (I've seen some that used "Hello") and the link is wierd. These folks are clever. They hack into your email acct., pirate your contact list, and send out a lot of spam/illicit advertising. A guess is that they're in remote locations out of the country, and are probably paid for the # they send out. Since they're using a legit email acct. it doesn't get kicked out as spam.

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