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One of my favorite cw singers who gave us so much
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 3/20/17 8:07am Msg #28478
of his talent. RIP, Chuck Berry. My mother loved this song artist.
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Messages in this Thread
 RIP The Great Chuck Berry n/m - bagger on 3/19/17 5:54am
 He was 90, but it's a great loss. He's a legend! ;-) n/m -  MW/VA on 3/19/17 4:48pm
 One of my favorite cw singers who gave us so much -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/20/17 8:07am
 He actually wrote a lot of Rock & Roll songs. The Beatles, -  MW/VA on 3/20/17 11:58am
 Yeah..he was a rock & roll pioneer, not a cw singer. - Linda_H/FL on 3/20/17 12:04pm
 Hrrmm..I stand corrected...he DID sing some hillbilly - Linda_H/FL on 3/20/17 12:08pm
 <<cough>>...*knew* n/m - Linda_H/FL on 3/20/17 12:09pm
 Re: RIP The Great Chuck Berry - Bear900/CA on 3/21/17 12:57am
 Thanks, Bear. That's really interesting ;-) n/m -  MW/VA on 3/21/17 9:36am
 "Arsenic" = Arsenio. LOL crazy spell checker n/m - Bear900/CA on 3/21/17 11:14am

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