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Notary Rotary

Notary Profile
Cassandra Harris   -   Phoenix, AZ

I was a founding member of the Wisconsin Mobile Loan Closers network and have closed over 500 loans. I am experienced in refinances, HELOCs and second loans. I will do everything in my power to make sure your borrowers are happy and comfortable with the final stage of the loan process. I pride myself on being detailed and organized. Please call me at any of the numbers listed below to schedule an appointment. My hours are as follows: Monday - Friday 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm ***After Hours Appts available upon request, additional charge may apply.

  View Original  This profile was last updated on 1/16/2022.

Phone NumbersInternet Addresses
Preferred Phone:602.642.0963
E-mail:Please try back during normal business hours

Available upon request

Notary Details
24 Hr Service:Yes
Has Laser Printer:Yes

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