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Notary Rotary

Notary Profile
Korey Humphreys   -   Ayer, MA
I offer mobile notary public services throughout Massachusetts. I specialize in Subpoenas but still offer basic notary services. Furthermore, I am the founder of the Massachusetts Notary Public and Legal Support Network and have network members throughout the Commonwealth who are willing to service your notary and legal support needs. I've been a Notary since 2003 and have done many notarizations. ~ Massachusetts law prohibits a non-attorney from conducting loan closings. I am not an attorney and cannot accept loan closing assignments directly ~
  View Original  This profile was last updated on 1/8/2023.

Phone NumbersInternet Addresses
Preferred Phone:978.877.2536
E-mail:Please try back during normal business hours

60 Washington St
Ayer, MA 01432

Notary Details
Has Laser Printer:Yes
Home Inspections:Yes

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