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Need to clarify to some on Teasa Maher post yesterday (long)
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Need to clarify to some on Teasa Maher post yesterday (long)
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Posted by TCMN on 12/16/05 2:15pm
Msg #83058

Need to clarify to some on Teasa Maher post yesterday (long)

First, I posted to show different points to what happened.
1. How is it different from what notaries do here?
2. Why jump on an SS and not a notary?
3. Why can notaries post negativity toward Companies but not visa versa?


Teasa Mahar Notary
Posted by The Closing Station, Inc. - Closing Dept on 12/15/05 3:31pm
Msg #82826 from logged in user

For all who are considering this lady Teasa Mahar for closings, BEWARE. She is not all there. She made the borrowers very uncomfortable with her nonsense at the closing. I will NEVER hire her again. The borrowers nearly rescinded because of her. Her service is not worth 2 cents

The following now is MY opinion or take on this situation.

First, I do NOT agree with how the SS went about their post. I did not see Teasa’s past complaint but now have. I think they could’ve posted with more professionalism and more specific details to their situation. For example I might have written this (keep in mind this would be had I NOT been trying to be hurtful as I feel the SS was in this situation):
(Now, I don’t know the specifics, but I will make up what could’ve been a situation)

Posting title: FYI to ALL

We feel that it is important to inform others in our industry of a situation we had because of the possibility of it happening to someone else. We hired SUSIE Q. for a signing and this is what happened, blah, blah, blah.
Even though we were not right in the situation, because we did not pay SUSIE.Q, the reasons were because of the following, she was loony, unprofessional, not all there. The borrowers were uncomfortable, frightened and going to rescind because of SUSIE Q.’S actions.
It might have been an isolated situation but it was something we feel is potentially damaging for either side, the notaries or the companies hiring notaries. The situation has been resolved by the parties involved and this is just a warning.

By SS company


Reply by TCMN on 12/16/05 2:16pm
Msg #83059

To BrendaTX responding from yesterday(long)

Now onto my response to BrendaTx, this is her original post.

Posted by BrendaTx on 12/15/05 5:43pm
Msg #82895 from logged in user

I am always up for a friendly exchange of opinions. I won't say you are wrong or out of line, but , in general, I do not agree with your post. To me it seems you are considering slander to be anything said which is negative whether true or false. Slander is made up by lying and passing on lies. That is why I said the post was a perfect example of slander.

The original poster did not tell us of a specific event. They "trashed" Teasa with innuendo and subjective terms as if they were fact.

Brenda, thank you for the way you responded, it’s appreciated and respected. I agree that slander is not just negative remarks. Slander is defined as:

to charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; to cause a result in losing business, income and/or credibility.

Okay, now we have two points here. First maybe the statement wasn’t false. I believe that part of the word slander is subjective. OPINION is a gray area. Is she looney? Maybe. Does the SS need medical documentation to prove their statement? That depends on the SS’s definition or looney. Do they mean loony means crazy? Do they mean loony as “not acting like the typical SA would at a signing” I know that’s extreme but see where that can be gray?

Now Malicious Intent was definitely in the original post. I don’t think my example was malicious though, but that’s my opinion. Someone else (for example the person you are writing about) might think differently.

So was there slander? Based on the original post I believe yes.

Reply by TCMN on 12/16/05 2:17pm
Msg #83060

To Charm responding to yesterdays post (super-long)

Okay Charm, my response to you, this is Charms Original post.

Posted by Charm_AL on 12/15/05 5:13pm

Msg #82888 from logged in user

Here's my opinion. When a fellow notary prints a company name after trying to collect for several months, generally he/she is looking for help. When a notary posts a question on the reputation of a new company, generally they are looking for help.
This particular notary posted on this payment issue, back in July and posted that she was not paid for a loan that the SS admits, funded.

To blatantly throw a notary's name out there like this is irresponsible and slanderous and the company thereby is deliberately trying to cause her harm and ruin her reputation.

In my book, those are apples to oranges.

I agree with you Charm 100%. I would though like to show a few situations that need to be addressed as well then. There are 3 examples below. Does the first one pose slander? Is it a false statement OR does it have malicious intent? It does not show a specific event. Based on what you said for your second to last sentence, would that not apply the same in that post?
What about the second and third?
Do you think those posts are trying to cause the companies to lose money? What about deliberately?

I’m not saying who’s right or wrong, what I was trying to do was point out a few things. My hope really was that for so many to “jump” and judge, then we need to treat everyone the same and I searched like crazy to find a post that showed a notary being “jumped on” for the same slander thing and couldn’t find one. Maybe I didn’t search well, but I tried.

I look at the things that are on this board and take some with a grain of salt and others I believe, but only after I have verified it myself. That’s because I don’t know if anything here is true until then.
With all the info on this board I have to look at things through so many glasses…
-my actions as a human being that my god will judge me on, on judgment day
-how I judge myself on to be able to sleep at night,
-as a entrepreneur,
-as a salesperson,
-as a competitor
-as a parent
-as a industry associate
etc., because I am all those and more.

I’ll give a good example of what I mean:
When someone gives up good companies to work with in our industry in a post these are the thought I have.

- my god would want me to help others like that.( I would do that because of the “type” of person I am, I truly LOVE helping people.)
- my salesperson side says….sell the info on ebay, “list it they will come” (I’m still giving)
- my competitor side says, why give someone else your source of food? (survival, I’m human)
- my parent side says, I hope my sons will help like that, they were raised the way we wish everyone else was).
- as an industry associate, I say if it helps then that is better for us all.

Which is right and which is wrong? Can any be right AND wrong? It’s all interpretation is what I’m saying. We should “jump” unless we are there, know the facts 100% or were involved. We should show empathy were deserved and can give opinions but should be in a respectable manner.

ALL this just my opinion.


Re: Boycott SOX ALL THE TIME !!!! N/M
Posted by Art_MD on 10/20/05 12:18pm
Msg #71432 from logged in user

Re: Documents on the run
Posted by Anonymous on 11/17/05 2:14pm
Msg #77229 from logged in user

Please for all of those who have had problems with Documents on the Run please please please contact the National Notary Association. The NNA will NOT take them off of their list until there have been several complaints agains them.



RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN horrible company
Posted by Cathy/CA on 7/28/05 2:40pm
Msg #55382 from

One of the worst, no pay or very, very slow pay. Lots of babysitting and fax backs. Don't take any assignments, you'll regret it. There are several people there who have a major attitude problem and one person in particular is a real PIG.

Reply by BrendaTx on 12/16/05 2:45pm
Msg #83069

I am so glad to see someone with an opinion who is not so defensive that they cannot stand for another to have a differing opinion. I can see where you are coming from and you have explained well how you think.

You, my friend, are the type that will see that a jury operates correctly in a jury room. You are quite analytical and think things out very carefully. That's a very good trait, but I think it made me the crazy person I am now.

I analyzed things so much that it burned me out into the shell of a woman I am now. Smiley

Now days, I don't need all those facts to make decisions. I can go on my "gut" and conclude that the accused (such as Scott Peterson) is innocent or guilty. Skip the trial and save the taxpayer's money.

Just give me a crown and a heart-shaped throne and we'll settle things quicker. To the dismay of "Alice" and others I will spend my days gleefully squealing "Off with their heads!"
I can dream, can't I???

Reply by TCMN on 12/16/05 3:07pm
Msg #83072

Brenda...(not so long)

thanks. I agree, I determined based on how they responded. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, but not always.

I do need to get better and not be so analytical because it give me the stress level I have. I just want everything I might have some control with a win-win situation.

I have this birthday book that some might have seen that gives your birthday and then tell about "you". Mine is 100% true. What's terribly funny is my husband's is ALL him and when I showed it to him he almost fell over because the quote they give that day was one he said to me and has said many times, word for word. He wouldn't believe it, but everything else was dead on to.
My quote "what can we say with certainty?"
The first sentence of mine says:
Those born on May 3rd have much to teach others about the workings of society.
It says we make valuable councelors, mediators and arbitrators.

Nice huh?

Reply by Charm_AL on 12/16/05 4:55pm
Msg #83088

Re: Brenda...(not so long)

a birhtday book? Waht does 3/9 say? Smiley

Reply by TCMN on 12/16/05 5:01pm
Msg #83089

Charm, I'll email it to you. n/m

Reply by TCMN on 12/16/05 5:05pm
Msg #83090

But, the first sentence is...

Those highly conceptual, visionary individuals born on March 9th are concerned with examining and exploring the space around them, either mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Reply by Charm_AL on 12/16/05 7:14pm
Msg #83097

Re: Charm, I'll email it to you. n/m

Thanks, apparently I'm not ready to type without looking at the keys yetSmiley

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